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Hang on, we reloading big blames...
var expat = require('node-expat');
var sanitizer = require('./sanitize.js')
var joi = require('joi'); var hoek = require('hoek');
// This object will hold the final result.
var obj = {};
var currentObject = {};
var ancestors = [];
var currentElementName = null;
var options = {}; //configuration options function startElement(name, attrs) {
currentElementName = name;
if(options.coerce) { // Looping here in stead of making coerce generic as object walk is unnecessary
for(var key in attrs) {
attrs[key] = coerce(attrs[key],key);
if (! (name in currentObject)) {
if(options.arrayNotation || options.forceArrays[name]) {
currentObject[name] = [attrs]; } else { currentObject[name] = attrs; }
} else if (! (currentObject[name] instanceof Array)) { // Put the existing object in an array. var newArray = [currentObject[name]]; // Add the new object to the array. newArray.push(attrs); // Point to the new array. currentObject[name] = newArray; } else { // An array already exists, push the attributes on to it. currentObject[name].push(attrs); } // Store the current (old) parent. ancestors.push(currentObject); // We are now working with this object, so it becomes the current parent. if (currentObject[name] instanceof Array) { // If it is an array, get the last element of the array. currentObject = currentObject[name][currentObject[name].length - 1]; } else { // Otherwise, use the object itself. currentObject = currentObject[name]; } } function text(data) {
currentObject[textNodeName()] = (currentObject[textNodeName()] || '') + data;
function endElement(name) {
if (currentObject[textNodeName()]) {
if (options.trim) {
currentObject[textNodeName()] = currentObject[textNodeName()].trim()
//if (options.sanitize) {
// currentObject[textNodeName()] = sanitizer.sanitize(currentObject[textNodeName()], true);
currentObject[textNodeName()] = coerce(currentObject[textNodeName()],name);
if (currentElementName !== name) {
delete currentObject[textNodeName()];
// This should check to make sure that the name we're ending
// matches the name we started on. var ancestor = ancestors.pop(); if (!options.reversible) {
if ((textNodeName() in currentObject) && (Object.keys(currentObject).length == 1)) {
if (ancestor[name] instanceof Array) {
} else {
ancestor[name] = currentObject[textNodeName()];
} } } currentObject = ancestor; }
function coerce(value,key) {
if (!options.coerce || value.trim() === '') {
return value;
if (typeof options.coerce[key] === 'function') return options.coerce[key](value);
var num = Number(value);
if (!isNaN(num)) { return num; }
var _value = value.toLowerCase();
if (_value == 'true') {
return true; }
if (_value == 'false') {
return false;
return value;
function textNodeName() { return options.alternateTextNode ? typeof options.alternateTextNode === 'string' ? options.alternateTextNode : '_t' : '$t' }
/** * Parses xml to json using node-expat. * @param {String|Buffer} xml The xml to be parsed to json. * @param {Object} _options An object with options provided by the user. * The available options are: * - object: If true, the parser returns a Javascript object instead of * a JSON string. * - reversible: If true, the parser generates a reversible JSON, mainly * characterized by the presence of the property $t. * - sanitize_values: If true, the parser escapes any element value in the xml * that has any of the following characters: <, >, (, ), #, #, &, ", '.
* - alternateTextNode (boolean OR string): * If false or not specified: default of $t is used * If true, whenever $t is returned as an end point, is is substituted with _t * it String, whenever $t is returned as an end point, is is substituted with the String value (care advised)
* @return {String|Object} A String or an Object with the JSON representation * of the XML. */
module.exports = function(xml, _options) {
_options = _options || {};
var parser = new expat.Parser('UTF-8'); parser.on('startElement', startElement); parser.on('text', text); parser.on('endElement', endElement); obj = currentObject = {}; ancestors = [];
currentElementName = null;
var schema = { object: joi.boolean().default(false), reversible: joi.boolean().default(false),
coerce: joi.alternatives([joi.boolean(), joi.object()]).default(false),
sanitize: joi.boolean().default(true), trim: joi.boolean().default(true),
arrayNotation: joi.alternatives([joi.boolean(), joi.array()]).default(false), alternateTextNode: [joi.boolean().default(false), joi.string().default(false)]
var validation = joi.validate(_options, schema); hoek.assert(validation.error === null, validation.error); options = validation.value;
options.forceArrays = {};
if (Array.isArray(options.arrayNotation)) { options.arrayNotation.forEach(function(i) {
options.forceArrays[i] = true;
}); options.arrayNotation = false; }
if (!parser.parse(xml)) { throw new Error('There are errors in your xml file: ' + parser.getError()); } if (options.object) { return obj; }
var json = JSON.stringify(obj); //See: json = json.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028').replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029');
return json;