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var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path');
var parser = require(__dirname + '/../lib');
var assert = require('assert');
var Code = require('code'); var Lab = require('lab'); // Test shortcuts var lab = exports.lab = Lab.script(); var expect = Code.expect; var describe = lab.describe; var it = lab.test; var internals = {}; describe('xml2json', function () { it('converts with array-notation', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('array-notation.xml'); var result = parser.toJson(xml, { arrayNotation: true }); var json = internals.readFixture('array-notation.json');
done(); }); it('coerces', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('coerce.xml'); var result = parser.toJson(xml, { coerce: false }); var json = internals.readFixture('coerce.json');
expect(result + '\n').to.equal(json);
done(); }); it('handles domain', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('domain.xml'); var result = parser.toJson(xml, { coerce: false }); var json = internals.readFixture('domain.json');
expect(result + '\n').to.equal(json);
done(); }); it('does large file', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('large.xml'); var result = parser.toJson(xml, { coerce: false, trim: true, sanitize: false }); var json = internals.readFixture('large.json');
expect(result + '\n').to.equal(json);
done(); }); it('handles reorder', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('reorder.xml'); var result = parser.toJson(xml, {}); var json = internals.readFixture('reorder.json');
done(); }); it('handles text with space', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('spacetext.xml'); var result = parser.toJson(xml, { coerce: false, trim: false }); var json = internals.readFixture('spacetext.json');
done(); }); it('does xmlsanitize', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('xmlsanitize.xml');
var result = parser.toJson(xml, {sanitize: true});
var json = internals.readFixture('xmlsanitize.json');
done(); });
it('does xmlsanitize of text', function (done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('xmlsanitize2.xml');
var result = parser.toJson(xml, {sanitize: true});
var json = internals.readFixture('xmlsanitize2.json');
done(); });
it('converts with forceArrays', function(done) { var xml = internals.readFixture('forceArray.xml'); var result = parser.toJson(xml, {arrayNotation: ['drivers', 'vehicles']}); var json = internals.readFixture('forceArray.json');
done(); });
it('throws error on bad options', function (done) { var throws = function() { var result = parser.toJson(xml, { derp: true}); }; expect(throws).to.throw(); done(); });
describe('coercion', function () { var file = __dirname + '/fixtures/coerce.xml'; var data = fs.readFileSync(file); it('works with coercion', function(done) { // With coercion var result = parser.toJson(data, {reversible: true, coerce: true, object: true}); expect(result.itemRecord.value[0].longValue['$t']).to.equal(12345); expect(result.itemRecord.value[1].stringValue.number).to.equal(false); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue.number).to.equal(true); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue['$t']).to.equal(104.95); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue.text).to.equal(123.45); expect(result.itemRecord.value[8].text['$t']).to.equal(42.42); done(); }); it('works without coercion', function(done) { var result = parser.toJson(data, {reversible: true, coerce: false, object: true}); expect(result.itemRecord.value[0].longValue['$t']).to.equal('12345'); expect(result.itemRecord.value[1].stringValue.number).to.equal('false'); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue.number).to.equal('true'); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue['$t']).to.equal('104.95'); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue.text).to.equal('123.45'); expect(result.itemRecord.value[8].text['$t']).to.equal('42.42'); done(); }); it('works with coercion as an optional object', function(done) { var result = parser.toJson(data, {reversible: true, coerce: {text:String}, object: true}); expect(result.itemRecord.value[0].longValue['$t']).to.equal(12345); expect(result.itemRecord.value[1].stringValue.number).to.equal(false); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue.number).to.equal(true); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue['$t']).to.equal(104.95); expect(result.itemRecord.value[2].moneyValue.text).to.equal('123.45'); expect(result.itemRecord.value[8].text['$t']).to.equal('42.42'); done(); }); })
describe('alternateTextNode', function () {
it('A1: defaults without the option being defined', function(done) {
var xml = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-A.xml');
var result = parser.toJson(xml, {reversible: true});
var json = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-A.json'); expect(result).to.equal(json);
it('A2: defaults with option as false', function(done) {
var xml = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-A.xml');
var result = parser.toJson(xml, {alternateTextNode: false, reversible: true});
var json = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-A.json'); expect(result).to.equal(json);
it('B: uses alternate text node with option as true', function(done) {
var xml = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-A.xml');
var result = parser.toJson(xml, {alternateTextNode: true, reversible: true});
var json = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-B.json');
expect(result).to.equal(json); done();
it('C: overrides text node with option as "xx" string', function(done) {
var xml = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-A.xml');
var result = parser.toJson(xml, {alternateTextNode: "xx", reversible: true});
var json = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-C.json');
expect(result).to.equal(json); done();
it('D: double check sanatize and trim', function (done) {
var xml = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-D.xml');
var result = parser.toJson(xml, {alternateTextNode: "zz", sanitize: true, trim: true, reversible: true});
var json = internals.readFixture('alternate-text-node-D.json');
expect(result).to.equal(json); done(); }); })
describe('json2xml', function () { it('converts domain to json', function (done) { var json = internals.readFixture('domain-reversible.json'); var result = parser.toXml(json); var xml = internals.readFixture('domain.xml');
done(); });
it('works with array notation', function (done) { var xml = fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/array-notation.xml'); var expectedJson = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/array-notation.json') ); var json = parser.toJson(xml, {object: true, arrayNotation: true});
done(); });
}); internals.readFixture = function (file) { return fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/' + file, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); };