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using System.Linq; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Xml; using System.IO; namespace chc.servicemanagertray { public sealed class PortableSettingsProvider : SettingsProvider, IApplicationSettingsProvider { private const string _rootNodeName = "settings"; private const string _localSettingsNodeName = "localSettings"; private const string _globalSettingsNodeName = "globalSettings"; private const string _className = "PortableSettingsProvider"; private XmlDocument _xmlDocument; private string _filePath { get { return Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), string.Format("{0}.settings", ApplicationName)); } } private XmlNode _localSettingsNode { get { XmlNode settingsNode = GetSettingsNode(_localSettingsNodeName); XmlNode machineNode = settingsNode.SelectSingleNode(Environment.MachineName.ToLowerInvariant()); if (machineNode == null) { machineNode = _rootDocument.CreateElement(Environment.MachineName.ToLowerInvariant()); settingsNode.AppendChild(machineNode); } return machineNode; } } private XmlNode _globalSettingsNode { get { return GetSettingsNode(_globalSettingsNodeName); } } private XmlNode _rootNode { get { return _rootDocument.SelectSingleNode(_rootNodeName); } } private XmlDocument _rootDocument { get { if (_xmlDocument == null) { try { _xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); _xmlDocument.Load(_filePath); } catch (Exception) { } if (_xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(_rootNodeName) != null) return _xmlDocument; _xmlDocument = GetBlankXmlDocument(); } return _xmlDocument; } } public override string ApplicationName { get { return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Application.ExecutablePath); } set { } } public override string Name { get { return _className; } } public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config) { base.Initialize(Name, config); } public override void SetPropertyValues(SettingsContext context, SettingsPropertyValueCollection collection) { foreach (SettingsPropertyValue propertyValue in collection) SetValue(propertyValue); try { _rootDocument.Save(_filePath); } catch (Exception) { /* * If this is a portable application and the device has been * removed then this will fail, so don't do anything. It's * probably better for the application to stop saving settings * rather than just crashing outright. Probably. */ } } public override SettingsPropertyValueCollection GetPropertyValues(SettingsContext context, SettingsPropertyCollection collection) { SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = new SettingsPropertyValueCollection(); foreach (SettingsProperty property in collection) { values.Add(new SettingsPropertyValue(property) { SerializedValue = GetValue(property) }); } return values; } private void SetValue(SettingsPropertyValue propertyValue) { XmlNode targetNode = IsGlobal(propertyValue.Property) ? _globalSettingsNode : _localSettingsNode; XmlNode settingNode = targetNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("setting[@name='{0}']", propertyValue.Name)); if (settingNode != null) settingNode.InnerText = propertyValue.SerializedValue.ToString(); else { settingNode = _rootDocument.CreateElement("setting"); XmlAttribute nameAttribute = _rootDocument.CreateAttribute("name"); nameAttribute.Value = propertyValue.Name; settingNode.Attributes.Append(nameAttribute); settingNode.InnerText = propertyValue.SerializedValue.ToString(); targetNode.AppendChild(settingNode); } } private string GetValue(SettingsProperty property) { XmlNode targetNode = IsGlobal(property) ? _globalSettingsNode : _localSettingsNode; XmlNode settingNode = targetNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("setting[@name='{0}']", property.Name)); if (settingNode == null) return property.DefaultValue != null ? property.DefaultValue.ToString() : string.Empty; return settingNode.InnerText; } private bool IsGlobal(SettingsProperty property) { foreach (DictionaryEntry attribute in property.Attributes) { if ((Attribute)attribute.Value is SettingsManageabilityAttribute) return true; } return false; } private XmlNode GetSettingsNode(string name) { XmlNode settingsNode = _rootNode.SelectSingleNode(name); if (settingsNode == null) { settingsNode = _rootDocument.CreateElement(name); _rootNode.AppendChild(settingsNode); } return settingsNode; } public XmlDocument GetBlankXmlDocument() { XmlDocument blankXmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); blankXmlDocument.AppendChild(blankXmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", string.Empty)); blankXmlDocument.AppendChild(blankXmlDocument.CreateElement(_rootNodeName)); return blankXmlDocument; } public void Reset(SettingsContext context) { _localSettingsNode.RemoveAll(); _globalSettingsNode.RemoveAll(); _xmlDocument.Save(_filePath); } public SettingsPropertyValue GetPreviousVersion(SettingsContext context, SettingsProperty property) { // do nothing return new SettingsPropertyValue(property); } public void Upgrade(SettingsContext context, SettingsPropertyCollection properties) { } } }