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  angular robo8x [chore] 7/23/2020, 6:03:22 PM 4 years, 2 months ago
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  angular.js 502B robo8x [chore] 6/30/2019, 8:04:59 PM 5 years ago
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[//]: #@corifeus-header [![NPM](]( [![Donate for Corifeus / P3X](]( [![Contact Corifeus / P3X](]( [![Corifeus @ Facebook](]( [![Uptime Robot ratio (30 days)](]( # 📡 P3X Redis UI is a very functional handy database GUI and works in your pocket on the responsive web or as a desktop app v2024.4.244 **Bugs are evident™ - MATRIX️** ### NodeJS LTS is supported ### Built on NodeJs version ```txt v20.12.2 ``` # Description [//]: #@corifeus-header:end **p3x-redis-ui** is a versatile Redis GUI that can function as either a backend server on the web or as a desktop application. This open-source software is particularly effective for managing JSON, featuring integration with JSONEditor and ACE. Explore a variety of options in the 'edit json' button dialog, which also supports uploading and downloading binary data. Additionally, it handles SSH, cluster, and sentinel configurations. ## Features ### Configuration and Security - **Secure Configuration:** Setup is intricate due to its roots in shared web applications, ensuring that passwords and sensitive data are safeguarded with unique identifiers for both main and node configurations. Node-specific IDs enhance security measures for node passwords. ### Compatibility and Usage - **Redis Versions and TLS:** Supports Redis 6 with TLS, enhancing security and data integrity. - For TLS configuration details, visit [Configuring Redis TLS]( - **Pika Compatibility:** Compatible with Pika, though not perfectly optimized. - **SSH Tunneling:** Functional for single instances. Support for cluster and sentinel configurations is under development. - **Environmental Customizations:** Customize the server port and home directory via `P3XRS_PORT` and `P3XRS_DOCKER_HOME` environment variables. ### Data Handling - **Binary Data Management:** Special care is needed when handling binary data to prevent issues. Use the download button for binary data; direct editing in text mode is not supported for binary content. - **Large Data Sets:** Handles values larger than 256 kB, indicated by `[object ArrayBuffer]`. For large values, utilize binary upload and download capabilities. - **Clipboard Operations:** Text copying is supported directly; binary data requires using the download functionality. ### User Interface and Experience - **Desktop Shortcuts:** Access menus in the desktop version by pressing ALT. - **Responsive Design:** Fully responsive, ensuring usability on phones and tablets. - **Themes:** Choose between Dark - Dracula and light themes for personalized visual comfort. - **Data Visualization and Management:** - Tree view settings allow adjustments to key count from a minimum of 100 to a maximum of 100,000 to prevent crashes. - Deferred rendering in the tree view enhances performance by rendering only what is visible in the viewport. ### Advanced Features - **Monitoring and Logging:** Monitor all channel messages on the console with a simple checkbox. Console history is stored indefinitely in local storage, keeping the last 20 entries accessible. - **Database Interaction:** Select databases via the console or a dropdown menu, which also indicates whether databases are empty or filled. - **Search Functionality:** - Client-side mode for searching small sets of keys. - Server-side mode for efficient searching within large sets of keys. - Search can be configured to start with a specific string or include a string within the keys. ### Network Setup and Extensions - **Sub-directory Support:** Utilize Nginx/Ingress to rewrite paths when used in a sub-directory. - For more information, see [Issue #43]( ### Contributions and Support - **Cluster Support:** Recently added and continuously improving. Contributions by [@devthejo]( have significantly enhanced this functionality. - **Community and Feedback:** As this tool evolves, feedback and issue reporting are highly valued to refine and improve the features. Redis UI provides a powerful interface for managing Redis databases with a focus on security, efficiency, and user experience. Whether you are dealing with small or large data sets, p3x-redis-ui offers robust solutions tailored to meet diverse operational needs. <!-- 👷 **The first full complete version was created in 20 days in September of 2018.** --> <!-- ## Donated-Ware features **Until further notice, all donated-ware features are enabled for free. Please, test out your use case, how the JSON editor is helping you. Let us know!** The `p3x-redis-ui+` version has additional features. The donation is $1/month. Please contact at []( and can donate @ The features that are only working in the donated-ware version: * JSON editor * Cluster * Sentinel To check if your license is valid @ #### New features Users, that donated, have a big chance that requests for new features will be implemented. ##### New features * SSH tunnel * Upload binary data ##### To write * Collapse/expand recursively on individual leafs #### Plus function problems Given, I do not have a full fledged server and to maintain the servers it costs money, it is possible, sometimes the server goes down. It is rare, but it will be back up probably in 5-10 minutes. If there is a problem that is longer, please contact me. ### Contributors license Contributors get plus donate license for free for a year. Contributors, that created features that are working only in the donate-ware version get a license for life. --> ## Warning It is not recommend to generate the configuration `JSON` via a text editor. The perfect solution is to generate the configuration in the GUI, then apply for example in Kubernetes. ### AngularJs Vulnerabilities [README and comments](artifacts/readme/ ## The online current version <!-- - this is the plus version --> This Redis database every day in the morning European time CET restores some data, so you may do whatever you want to do. Besides, you could experience the test app to exit for 1 second, because it could auto update itself. It auto updates itself when the code from Git changes. Third, it is a snapshot, it is possible, that the features are different from GitHub or NPM as the releases are usually monthly or as they happen. ### Screenshots [Screenshots readme](artifacts/readme/ ## Change log [The change log readme]( ## Releases / Downloadable installer ## MacOS It is building on Intel and Apple silicon. ### Fix downloaded file from GitHub I am not an Apple guru, but I had to download the `zip` in `arm64` version an execute on the unzipped app: ```bash sudo xattr -rd ``` ### Snap <!-- The main source installer is the `AppImage`, so, the themes are not implemented (the main menus). If you want the themes to be implemented (dark vs light), I suggest using the `AppImage` as it supports the themes natively. Besides, the auto self update function is not implemented in `Snap`, only in `AppImage` version. --> [![LINK](]( ## Flathub You download from the releases page and install as: ```sh wget${VERSION}/P3X-Redis-UI-${VERSION}-x86_64.flatpak flatpak install ./P3X-Redis-UI-${VERSION}-x86_64.flatpak flatpak run com.patrikx3.redis_ui ``` Besides the menu is integrated. ### AppImage, dep, rpm AppImage, dep and rpm auto update itself. #### To integrate into the menu using AppImage Execute: ```bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:appimagelauncher-team/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install appimagelauncher ``` #### After downloading the ```AppImage```, make it an executable. ```bash mkdir -p $HOME/opt mv ~/Downloads/p3x-redis-ui-a.b.c-x86_64.AppImage $HOME/opt/ chmod +x $HOME/opt/p3x-redis-ui-a.b.c-x86_64.AppImage # Then you can run it $HOME/opt/p3x-redis-ui-a.b.c-x86_64.AppImage & ``` <!-- It then actually integrates itself into the menus and it will auto update itself. --> ### On ElectronJs The app can be found on [ElectronJs Apps]( and search for `P3X`, you will find it. ### CLI Start up with a server or via a browser and NodeJs/NPM. [Start up with a server readme](artifacts/readme/ [Some description about the config file readme](p3xrs.json) [Some description about the config connections readme](.p3xrs-conns.json) [Example of config connections](.p3xrs-conns-example.json) ### Docker #### Compose ```bash wget # You might want to tune the settings folder in the docker-compose.yml. # the /home/user/p3x-redis-ui-settings settings folder in yml should be set by yourself. docker-compose up ``` #### Bare ```bash # you can tune the settings folder # in the -v first part is where you can set your own folder mkdir -p ./p3x-redis-ui-settings docker run -v $PWD/p3x-redis-ui-settings:/settings -h docker-p3x-redis-ui -p 7843:7843 -t -i patrikx3/p3x-redis-ui ``` The GUI will be @ http://localhost:7843 ### Kubernetes A complete example of deployment `p3x-redis-ui` in kubernetes using raw manifests ```bash kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml # Do not forget to edit redis host and password configuration kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f service.yaml kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml ``` Helm chart `p3x-redis-ui` deployment in kubernetes ```bash helm template -f values.yaml release --namespace namespace . > generated.yaml kubectl apply -f generated.yaml ``` # Contributors [The contributors readme]( # Development For file names do not use camelCase, but use kebab-case. Folder should be named as kebab-case as well. As you can see, all code filenames are using it like that, please do not change that. Please apply the `.editorconfig` settings in your IDE. It creates a package that allows you to compose `p3x-redis-ui-server` and `p3x-redis-ui-material` into one: [Server on GitHub]( [Client on GitHub]( If you develop on this app, you are required to test, that all JS you code write is working with Electron (as the embedded Electron NodeJs version is usually below the real NodeJs). Once the server and client is running as above, you clone this repo and test like this: ```bash # terminal 1 git clone cd redis-ui-material npm install npm run dev # terminal 2 git clone cd redis-ui-server npm install npm run dev # if you are not working on Electron, at this point you can fire the browser # @ http://localhost:8080/ # terminal 3 git clone cd redis-ui npm install ./scripts/ # or .\scripts\start-local.cmd ``` ### Development of the translations By default, only English is created, but given all strings are from a `JS` file, it is very quick to spawn another language eg. German, French, Spanish etc ... [For a new language]( [English strings, for the web UI]( [English strings, for the Electron]( [Moment a new language for vendor (require moment/locale)]( [JSON Editor, to incorporate a new language]( [Moment a new language for Material (momentDateMap)]( [Humanize duration]( # Solution This solution is not using REST at all, but instead uses Socket.IO 🤣, which is weird, but I like it, it is supposed to be more responsive, as there is no big overhead in the HTTP protocol. ## Reference for Socket.IO speed # URL links [P3X Redis UI playground]( [Corifeus P3X Redis UI]( [AlternativeTo Redis UI]( [NPM P3X Redis UI]( [Snap Store]( [Github.IO Page]( [//]: #@corifeus-footer --- ❤️ This is an open-source project. Star this repository, if you like it, or even donate to maintain the servers and the development. Thank you so much! Possible, this server, rarely, is down, please, hang on for 15-30 minutes and the server will be back up. All my domains ([]( and []( could have minor errors, since I am developing in my free time. However, it is usually stable. **Note about versioning:** Versions are cut in Major.Minor.Patch schema. Major is always the current year. Minor is either 4 (January - June) or 10 (July - December). Patch is incremental by every build. If there is a breaking change, it should be noted in the readme. --- [**P3X-REDIS-UI**]( Build v2024.4.244 [![NPM](]( [![Donate for Corifeus / P3X](]( [![Contact Corifeus / P3X](]( [![Like Corifeus @ Facebook](]( [//]: #@corifeus-footer:end