- redis-ui.git
- Gruntfile.js
This file ( 537B ) exceeds the allowed full mode (48 kb) size.
The editor full hight is disabled, only scrolling is allowed..
If you wish to edit a file, it is recommended to use the scroll mode as some users do not like the full height
mode, although some users like it.
const utils = require('corifeus-utils');
module.exports = (grunt) => {
const _ = require('lodash');
const builder = require(`corifeus-builder`);
const loader = new builder.loader(grunt);
replacer: {
type: 'p3x',
nodejsinfo: true,
//console.log(JSON.stringify(test, null, 4));
let defaults = builder.config.task.build.js.slice()
// defaults.splice(defaults.indexOf('mocha_istanbul:cory-coverage'), 1)
grunt.registerTask('default', defaults);