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"p3xrs": {
"http": { "port-info": "this is ommitted, it will be default 7843",
"port": 7843, "bind-info": "the interface with listen to, could be or or specific interface", "bind": ""
}, "connections": { "home-dir-info": "if the dir config is empty or home, the connections are saved in the home folder, otherwise it will resolve the directory set as it is, either relative ./ or absolute starting with /. NodeJs will resolve this directory in p3xrs.connections.dir", "home-dir": "home" }, "static-info": "This is the best configuration, if it starts with ~, then it is in resolve the path in the node_modules, otherwise it resolves to the current process current working directory.",
"static": "~p3x-redis-ui-material/dist",
"treeDividers": [ ":", "/", "|", "-", "@" ]
} }