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const commander = require('commander');
const ramdisk = require('../index');
// install commander .command('install <uid>') .option('-r, --rampath [path]', 'The path of the ram disk, default /home/$USERNAME/ramdisk') .option('-p, --persistent [path]', 'The path of the ram persistent, default /home/$USERNAME/ramdisk-persistent') // .option('-u, --uid <type>', 'The username, it you omit it is the current user') .option('-g, --gid [group]', 'The gid, it you omit it is the current user') .option('-t, --timer [minutes]', 'The timer in minutes, minimum about 10 minutes, Default is 20 minutes, the best')
.option('-s, --size [megabytes]', `Ramdisk in size of megabytes, default is ${ramdisk.defaults.ramdisk.size} megabytes`)
// .option('-h, --home [type]', 'Home path, defaults to /home/uid') .description(` Install a p3x-ramdisk `) // .option('-d, --dry', 'Do not actually remove packages, just show what it does') .action(async function (uid, options) { try {
await ramdisk.install(uid, options);
} catch(e) { console.error(e.message); process.exit(1); } }) ;