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#!/usr/bin/env bash DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" ME="$(basename "$(test -L "$0" && readlink "$0" || echo "$0")")" P3X_UID={{ uid }} P3X_UID_NUMBER={{ uidNumber }}
P3X_GID={{ gid }} P3X_GID_NUMBER={{ gidNumber }}
ROOT={{ home }} PERSISTENCE=$ROOT/{{ persistent }} RAMDISK=$ROOT/{{ rampath }} TYPE=$1 COMMAND=$2 if [ -z "$COMMAND" ]; then COMMAND=$TYPE TYPE=terminal fi TRASH_NAME=.Trash-$P3X_UID_NUMBER PERSISTENCE_LOG=$PERSISTENCE/ramdisk-persistent.log #PERSISTENCE_LOG_LOAD=$PERSISTENCE/ramdisk-persistent-load.log #PERSISTENCE_LOG_SAVE=$PERSISTENCE/ramdisk-persistent-save.log PERSISTENCE_CURRENT=$PERSISTENCE/current PERSISTENCE_PREVIOUS=$PERSISTENCE/previous PERSISTENCE_LOCK=$PERSISTENCE/persistent.lock PERSISTENCE_TRASH=$PERSISTENCE/$TRASH_NAME RAMDISK_TRASH=$RAMDISK/$TRASH_NAME RAMDISK_PERSISTENCE=$RAMDISK/persistence RAMDISK_CONTENT=$RAMDISK_PERSISTENCE/content RAMDISK_CONTENT_LINK=$RAMDISK_CONTENT/.p3x-ramdisk-link RAMDISK_LOCK=$RAMDISK_PERSISTENCE/ramdisk.lock SUSPEND_ROOT=/lib/systemd/system-sleep SUSPEND_SCRIPT=$SUSPEND_ROOT/ SYSTEMD=/etc/systemd/system function require_sudo() { if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then printf "You are not root!\n\n" exit 1 fi } function notify() { if hash notify-send 2>/dev/null; then notify-send P3X-RAMDISK $1 # else # date "$@" fi } function install() { require_sudo mkdir -p $PERSISTENCE_CURRENT mkdir -p $PERSISTENCE_PREVIOUS mkdir -p $PERSISTENCE_TRASH #mkdir -p $RAMDISK_CONTENT mkdir -p $RAMDISK_CONTENT_LINK printf "\n" >> $PERSISTENCE_LOG log "install" log "copy" cp $DIR/p3x-ramdisk-timer.service $SYSTEMD cp $DIR/p3x-ramdisk-timer.timer $SYSTEMD cp $DIR/p3x-ramdisk.service $SYSTEMD log suspend mkdir -p $SUSPEND_ROOT touch $SUSPEND_SCRIPT chmod u+x $SUSPEND_SCRIPT cat <<EOT > $SUSPEND_SCRIPT #!/usr/bin/env bash ACTION=\$1 TYPE=\$2 LOG_DATA="\`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'\`: SUSPEND \$TYPE \$ACTION" if [ "\$ACTION" == "pre" ]; then # Do the thing you want before suspend here, e.g.: sudo -u $P3X_UID printf "\n\$LOG_DATA Suspending" >> $PERSISTENCE_LOG $DIR/$ME suspend save elif [ "\$1" == "post" ]; then # Do the thing you want after resume here, e.g.: sudo -u $P3X_UID printf "\n\$LOG_DATA On again" >> $PERSISTENCE_LOG fi
EOT log "reload services" systemctl daemon-reload log "install done" touch $PERSISTENCE_LOG # touch $PERSISTENCE_LOG_LOAD # touch $PERSISTENCE_LOG_SAVE fix_permissions } function start() { require_sudo install log "start" systemctl enable p3x-ramdisk systemctl enable p3x-ramdisk-timer.timer systemctl start p3x-ramdisk systemctl start p3x-ramdisk-timer.timer } function stop() { require_sudo printf "\n" >> $PERSISTENCE_LOG log "stop" systemctl stop p3x-ramdisk-timer.timer systemctl stop p3x-ramdisk systemctl disable p3x-ramdisk systemctl disable p3x-ramdisk-timer.timer if [ -d $SUSPEND_SCRIPT ]; then rm -rf $SUSPEND_SCRIPT fi if [ -f $SYSTEMD/p3x-ramdisk.service ]; then rm $SYSTEMD/p3x-ramdisk.service fi if [ -f $SYSTEMD/p3x-ramdisk-timer.timer ]; then rm $SYSTEMD/p3x-ramdisk-timer.timer fi if [ -f $SYSTEMD/p3x-ramdisk-timer.service ]; then rm $SYSTEMD/p3x-ramdisk-timer.service fi if [ -f $RAMDISK_LOCK ]; then rm $RAMDISK_LOCK fi } function fix_permissions() {
} function log() { if [ -z ${2+x} ]; then false; else notify $1 fi LOG_DATA="`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`: $TYPE $1" echo $LOG_DATA echo $LOG_DATA >> $PERSISTENCE_LOG } function timer_start() { SECONDS=0 STARTED=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` } function timer_end() { DURATION=$SECONDS PERSISTENCE_UPDATED_AT=$PERSISTENCE/$1 echo $STARTED > $PERSISTENCE_UPDATED_AT echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` >> $PERSISTENCE_UPDATED_AT DURATION_STRING="$(($DURATION / 60)) minutes $(($DURATION % 60)) seconds" echo $DURATION_STRING >> $PERSISTENCE_UPDATED_AT
log "$DURATION_STRING" } function load() { timer_start printf "\n" >> $PERSISTENCE_LOG log "loading" if [ -f $PERSISTENCE_LOCK ]; then log "has a lock at $PERSISTENCE_LOCK ! not loading! quitting..." true return fi if [ -f $RAMDISK_LOCK ]; then log "already loaded! quitting, existing ramdisk lock: $RAMDISK_LOCK" true return fi cd $PERSISTENCE_CURRENT #tar xvf $PERSISTENCE_COMPRESSED_CURRENT >$PERSISTENCE_LOG_LOAD log "load $PERSISTENCE_CURRENT to $RAMDISK_CONTENT" mkdir -p $RAMDISK_CONTENT cp -avr . $RAMDISK_CONTENT > /dev/null #$PERSISTENCE_LOG_LOAD #rsync -atvq --delete . $RAMDISK_CONTENT > /dev/null #$PERSISTENCE_LOG_LOAD log "loaded" true if ! [ -d $RAMDISK_TRASH ]; then ln -s $PERSISTENCE_TRASH $RAMDISK fi # truncate $PERSISTENCE_LOG_LOAD
fix_permissions timer_end "update-at-load.log" echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` > $RAMDISK_LOCK } function truncate() { tail -n 10240 $1 > $1.1 mv $1.1 $1 } function internal_save() { FROM=$1 TO=$2 log "save $FROM to $TO" cd $FROM
rsync --rsync-path="nice -n19 ionice -c3 rsync" -aq --delete . $TO > /dev/null #$PERSISTENCE_LOG_SAVE
log "saved" # truncate $PERSISTENCE_LOG_SAVE } function save() { printf "\n" >> $PERSISTENCE_LOG timer_start log "save" if [ -f $RAMDISK_LOCK ]; then if [ -f $PERSISTENCE_LOCK ]; then log "has a lock at $PERSISTENCE_LOCK ! quitting..." true return fi touch $PERSISTENCE_LOCK log "save, current to previous" internal_save $PERSISTENCE_CURRENT $PERSISTENCE_PREVIOUS log "save, ramdisk to current" internal_save $RAMDISK_CONTENT $PERSISTENCE_CURRENT rm $PERSISTENCE_LOCK log "save done" true
# cannot use it at save, it will change modification #fix_permissions
truncate $PERSISTENCE_LOG timer_end "update-at-save.log" else log "not saving, not loaded" true fi } function link() { log "link" if [ -d "$RAMDISK_CONTENT_LINK" ]; then cd $RAMDISK_CONTENT_LINK shopt -s dotglob for d in */ ; do if [ "$d" = "*/" ]; then continue fi GENERATED_LINK="${ROOT}/${d}" DIR=${d%/*} log "link $RAMDISK_CONTENT_LINK/$DIR to $ROOT/$DIR" # delete actual directory, no slash! otherwise it shows not empty if [ -d "${ROOT}/${DIR}" ]; then unlink "${ROOT}/${DIR}" || true fi ln -s "${RAMDISK_CONTENT_LINK}/${DIR}" $ROOT done fi log "link done" } if [ "$COMMAND" == "load" ] then load exit fi if [ "$COMMAND" == "save" ] then save exit fi if [ "$COMMAND" == "link" ] then link exit fi if [ "$COMMAND" == "start" ] then start exit fi if [ "$COMMAND" == "stop" ] then stop exit fi if [ "$COMMAND" == "install" ] then install exit fi if [ "$COMMAND" == "watch" ] then WATCH1="df -h | grep -e " WATCH2=$RAMDISK WATCH3=" -e Size" watch $WATCH1$WATCH2$WATCH3 exit fi cat <<EOT >&1 Eg: sudo $ME install sudo $ME start $ME watch $ME save $ME load Unknown type: {$TYPE} command: {$COMMAND} Requires 2 parameters: type: anything (like boot, timer, terminal), default is "terminal" command: install, start, stop, load, save, watch EOT