[//]: #@corifeus-header [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/patrikx3/onenote.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/patrikx3/onenote) [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/patrikx3/onenote/badges/quality-score.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/patrikx3/onenote/?branch=master) [![Code Coverage](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/patrikx3/onenote/badges/coverage.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/patrikx3/onenote/?branch=master) [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/p3x-onenote.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true&stars=true)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/p3x-onenote/) --- # Linux Onenote ## Issues / Support This is an open source project. Time is a precious thing, so I have rarely time to give support and fix issues for someone else. I fix a bug, when I have an error that I need. If you got an issue, error or bug, I hope someone will have time to do it for you, otherwise, you are on your own. Though, if I know the solution, I will tell you. Besides, core errors will be fixed by me. ***If you want to extend, fix bugs or add in new features, I promptly merge pull requests or you can become a ```patrikx3``` member.*** ### Node Version Requirement ``` >=7.8.0 ``` ### Built on Node ``` v7.10.0 ``` The ```async``` and ```await``` keywords are required. Install NodeJs: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/ # Description [//]: #@corifeus-header:end This is a Linux Onenote. ## Install ```bash npm install -g p3x-onenote p3x-onenote ``` ## Dev * Save last page, instead always start for empty ## Screenshot ![Screenshot 1](https://cdn.corifeus.tk/git/onenote/artifacts/screenshoft/1.png) [//]: #@corifeus-footer --- [**P3X-ONENOTE**](https://patrikx3.github.com/onenote) Build v1.0.76-50 [Corifeus](http://www.corifeus.tk) by [Patrik Laszlo](http://patrikx3.tk) [//]: #@corifeus-footer:end