name: p3x-onenote base: core20 # Set the base version: '2024.4.176' # Automatically updated from package.json summary: '📚 P3X OneNote Linux' # Automatically updated from package.json description description: | 📚 P3X OneNote Linux architectures: - build-on: amd64 run-on: arm64 confinement: strict # or 'classic' for full system access grade: stable # can be 'stable' or 'devel' apps: p3x-onenote: command: desktop-launch $SNAP/p3x-onenote parts: p3x-onenote: plugin: nodejs nodejs-version: '20.x' # Specify the Node.js version source: source-tag: v2024.4.176 override-build: | npm install npm run publish-electron-snap-all build-packages: - build-essential - libgtk2.0-0