const translation = { title: 'P3X OneNote', label: { disableHide: { yes: 'Enable hiding the main window', no: 'Disable hiding the main window', message: { yes: 'For now, the main window is always shown', no: 'For now, when you minimize the window it will be hidden and can be only shown in the tray.', } }, settings: 'Settings', setProxy: 'Set proxy', edit: 'Edit', view: 'View', download: 'Download', developer: 'Patrik Laszlo', personalHome: 'Personal home', corporateHome: 'Corporate home', clearCache: 'First sign off, then click this menu option to clear the cache', quit: 'Quit', show: 'Show', hide: 'Hide', }, dialog: { minimizationBehavior: { title: 'Minimization behavior', }, setProxy: { placeholder: 'Proxy setting', info: 'To clear the proxy, use an empty string.', clear: 'The proxy is turned off.', set: (value) => { return `The proxy is set as ${value}` } } }, button: { yes: 'Yes', no: 'No', ok: 'OK', cancel: 'Cancel', save: 'Save', clear: 'Clear', } }; module.exports = translation;