const translation = { title: 'P3X OneNote', restart: '請稍等,程式正在重新啟動', label: { darkThemeInvert: { title: '使用深色模式 (using invert)' }, hideMenu: '隱藏主選單 (按ALT鍵顯示)', optionToHideMenuState: { yes: '重新啟動後,即隱藏主選單,須按ALT鍵顯示', }, donate: '捐助', allowMultiple: { checkbox: 'Allow multiple instances (with some quirks)', message: { yes: 'Now you can use multiple instance with some quirks.', no: 'Now, it allows only one instance, no quirks' } }, disableHide: { //yes: 'Set the close button behaviour that will minimize to the tray instead of quitting', //no: 'Set the close button behaviour as to really quit the app', checkbox: '最小化', message: { yes: '按關閉扭,即關閉程式', no: '按關閉扭,最小化', } }, optionToDisableInternalExternalPopup: 'Disable Internal / External Popup (all link internal)', settings: '設定', setProxy: '設定代理伺服器', openUrl: '開啟網址', promptRedirectUrlTitle: 'Redirect to url', edit: '編輯', view: '顯示', download: '下載', developer: 'Patrik Laszlo', personalHome: 'Personal home', corporateHome: 'Corporate home', clearCache: 'First sign off, then click this menu option to clear the cache', quit: '退出', show: '顯示', hide: '隱藏', copyLocation: '複製當前頁面路徑到剪貼簿', copyLocationCopied: '已複製當前頁面路徑到剪貼簿', //disallowedContent: 'Disallowed content! If not working, hang on, it will reset to the default home. (Max 5 seconds).', //unknownLink: 'Hang on, it might change while loading to the destination. If this is not a OneNote page, free to click on the P3X OneNote menu home', back: 'Back', forward: 'Forward', }, dialog: { info: 'Info', openUrl: { info: '你可以開啟任意想要開啟的網址', placeholder: '一個有效網址', }, minimizationBehavior: { title: '最小化行為', }, setProxy: { placeholder: '代理伺服器設定', info: '要清除代理伺服器設定,請留白', clear: '代理伺服器被關閉', set: (value) => { return `代理伺服器設定為 ${value}` } }, redirect: { url: (opts) => { return `${opts.url}` }, urlExternal: 'External', urlInternal: 'Internal', } }, button: { yes: '是', no: '否', ok: '好', cancel: '取消', save: '儲存', clear: '清除', go: 'Go', delete: '刪除', }, menu: { action: 'Action', role: { edit: { undo: '復原', redo: '取消復原', cut: '剪下', copy: '複製', paste: '貼上', pasteandmatchstyle: '貼上並保留格式', delete: '刪除', selectall: '全選', }, view: { reload: '重新載入', forcereload: '強制重新載入', toggledevtools: '切換開發者模式', resetzoom: '重置縮放', zoomin: '放大', zoomout: '縮小', togglefullscreen: '使用全螢幕模式', } }, help: { title: 'Help', checkUpdates: '檢查更新' }, language: { label: '語言 / Language', alert: '語言修改成繁體中文.', dialog: { label: '要嘗試修改線上的OneNote語言嗎?', corporate: 'Corporate', personal: 'Personal', }, translations: { 'en-US': 'English', 'de-DE': 'Deutsch / German', 'pt-BR': 'Português / Portuguese', 'es-ES': 'Español / Spanish', 'fr-FR': 'Français / French', 'nl-NL': 'Nederlands / Dutch', 'it-IT': 'Italiano / Italian', 'zh-CN': '简体中文 / Simplified Chinese', 'ru-RU': 'Русский / Russian', 'pl-PL': 'Polski / Polish', 'tr-TR': 'Türkçe / Turkish', 'ja-JP': '日本語 / Japanese', 'zh-TW': '繁體中文 / Traditional Chinese' } }, }, redirecting: '請稍等,正在導至新的筆記本需要再一些時間...', slow: '請稍等,讀取OneNote需要再一些時間...', updater: { 'checking-for-update': '正在檢查更新 ...', 'update-available': '下載最新板中 ...', 'update-not-available': '沒有新版本', error: (opts) => { return `自動更新錯誤: ${opts.errorMessage}` }, 'download-progress': (opts) => { return '下載 ' + opts.progressObj.percent + '%' }, 'update-downloaded': '更信下載完畢,請重新啟動套用' }, bookmarks: { title: '書籤', add: '新增書籤', edit: '修改書籤', form: { title: '標題', url: 'URL' } }, validation: { required: 'Required', url: '無效網址', }, }; module.exports = translation;