const fs = require('fs-extra') const pkg = require('../../package') const {spawn} = require('child_process') const {chdir} = require('process') const path = require('path') const exec = async function exec(cmd, args = []) { const child = spawn(cmd, args, {shell: true}) redirectOutputFor(child) await waitFor(child) } const redirectOutputFor = (child) => { const printStdout = (data) => { process.stdout.write(data.toString()) } const printStderr = (data) => { process.stderr.write(data.toString()) } child.stdout.on('data', printStdout) child.stderr.on('data', printStderr) child.once('close', () => {'data', printStdout)'data', printStderr) }) } const waitFor = async function (child) { return new Promise((resolve) => { child.once('close', () => resolve()) }) } const escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp'); module.exports = async function (context) { //console.log(context) const originalDir = process.cwd() const dirname = context.outDir chdir(dirname) const packageDir = 'squashfs-root' let downloaded = false const appimagetool = 'appimagetool'; for(let artifact of context.artifactPaths) { if (artifact.toLowerCase().endsWith('appimage')) { if (downloaded === false) { await exec( "curl", [ "--fail", "--location", "--output", appimagetool, ``, ], ); await exec("chmod", ["+x", appimagetool]); downloaded = true } artifact = artifact.replace(/(\s+)/g, '\\$1') await exec('rm', ['-rf', packageDir]) // await exec('chmod', ['+x', artifact]) await exec(artifact, ['--appimage-extract']) const shFile = path.join(packageDir, "./AppRun"); const shContentOriginal = fs.readFileSync(shFile).toString(); const searchValue = `exec "$BIN"`; const replaceWith = `${searchValue} --no-sandbox`; let count = 0; const content = shContentOriginal.replace( new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(searchValue), "g"), () => (count++, replaceWith), ); if (content === shContentOriginal || count !== 2) { throw new Error(`Failed to patch content of the "${shFile}" file`); } fs.writeFileSync(shFile, content); await exec(dirname + '/' + appimagetool, [ '-n', '--comp', 'xz', packageDir, artifact, ]) } } await exec('rm', ['-rf', packageDir]) chdir(originalDir) await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 10000) }) }