- onenote.git
- src
- electron
- app.js
This file ( 2kB ) exceeds the allowed full mode (48 kb) size.
The editor full hight is disabled, only scrolling is allowed..
If you wish to edit a file, it is recommended to use the scroll mode as some users do not like the full height
mode, although some users like it.
const configstore = require('configstore');
const pkg = require('../../package.json');
const conf = new configstore(pkg.name);
const { app } = require('electron');
const translation = require('../translation/default')
global.p3x = {
onenote: {
lang: translation,
title: translation.title,
conf: conf,
disableHide: true,
iconFile: `${__dirname}/asset/256x256.png`,
tray: undefined,
window: {
onenote: undefined,
action: undefined,
menus: undefined,
mainMenu: undefined,
setVisible: undefined,
createWindow: {
onenote: undefined,
// configuration
global.p3x.onenote.disableHide = conf.get('disable-hide')
if (global.p3x.onenote.disableHide === undefined) {
conf.set('disable-hide', true)
global.p3x.onenote.disableHide = true;
// loading
global.p3x.onenote.action = require('./main/action');
global.p3x.onenote.menus = require('./main/menus');
global.p3x.onenote.mainMenu = require('./main/create/menu')
global.p3x.onenote.mainTray = require('./main/create/tray')
global.p3x.onenote.setVisible = require('./main/set-visible')
global.p3x.onenote.createWindow.onenote = require('./main/create/window/onenote')
const isSecondInstance = app.makeSingleInstance((commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
if (isSecondInstance) {
return app.quit()
// app and ipc main events and configuration