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Hang on, we reloading big blames...
const remote = require("@electron/remote"); const {shell} = require("electron"); const execAsync = async () => { const {shell} = require('electron'); const remote = require('@electron/remote')
const win = remote.getCurrentWindow()
require('angular/angular'); require('angular-aria'); require('angular-animate'); require('angular-messages'); require('angular-material'); = angular.module('p3x-onenote', [ 'ngMaterial', 'ngMessages' ]); require('./angular/prompt'); require('./angular/toast');
let zoom = p3x.onenote.conf.get('zoom') if (zoom === undefined) { zoom = 1.0 } if (zoom !== 1.0) { win.webContents.setZoomFactor(zoom); }
/* win.webContents .setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 5) .then(console.log("Zoom Levels Have been Set between 100% and 500%")) .catch((err) => console.error(err)); */$mdAriaProvider, $mdThemingProvider) => {
$mdThemingProvider.theme('default').primaryPalette('purple').accentPalette('blue')//.warnPalette('amber'); }), p3xOnenoteToast, $rootScope, $animate, $mdMedia) => { $animate.enabled(false) global.p3x.onenote.prompt = p3xOnenotePrompt; global.p3x.onenote.toast = p3xOnenoteToast; global.p3x.onenote.root = $rootScope $rootScope.$mdMedia = $mdMedia p3x.onenote.toast.action(p3x.onenote.lang.slow) $rootScope.p3x = { onenote: { go: (action) => { global.p3x.onenote.webview[action === 'back' ? 'goBack' : 'goForward']() }, canGo: (action) => { if (action === 'back') { return global.p3x.onenote.webview && global.p3x.onenote.webview.canGoBack() } return global.p3x.onenote.webview && global.p3x.onenote.webview.canGoForward() }, lang: global.p3x.onenote.lang, location: undefined, copyLocation: require('./action/multi-action/get-location'), donate: () => { shell.openExternal('') }, zoom: (zoom) => { const currentZoom = win.webContents.getZoomFactor(); let value if (zoom >= 0) { value = currentZoom + 0.1; } else { value = currentZoom - 0.1; } if (value >= 0.75 && value <= 5.0) { win.webContents.zoomFactor = value p3x.onenote.conf.set('zoom', win.webContents.zoomFactor) } }, get zoomFactor() { return (win.webContents.zoomFactor * 100).toFixed(0)
angular.element(document).ready(() => { const bootstrapElement = document.getElementById('p3x-onenote-bootstrap'); angular.bootstrap(bootstrapElement, ['p3x-onenote']); }) } execAsync()