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#!/bin/bash OS_RELEASE=`uname -r` OS_CONFIG="/boot/config-${OS_RELEASE}" UNPRIVILEGED_USERNS_CLONE_SWITCH="/proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone" # Assume that the user name space feature is disabled USER_NS=n UNPRIVILEGED_USERNS_CLONE=1 # Check if the user name space feature is enabled in the kernel config if [ -f $OS_CONFIG ]; then USER_NS=`cat $OS_CONFIG | sed -n 's/^CONFIG_USER_NS=//p'` fi # Check the state of the user name space feature switch if [ -f $UNPRIVILEGED_USERNS_CLONE_SWITCH ]; then UNPRIVILEGED_USERNS_CLONE=`cat $UNPRIVILEGED_USERNS_CLONE_SWITCH` fi if [ $USER_NS == 'y' ] && [ $UNPRIVILEGED_USERNS_CLONE != 0 ]; then "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}"/$APP_NAME.bin "$@" else echo "ATTENTION: Sandboxing of this app has been disabled since the user namespace feature of your OS is disabled." echo "Please enable user namespaces or use the deb package." "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}"/$APP_NAME.bin "$@" --no-sandbox fi