Routing ======= The *RoutingServiceProvider* provides a service for generating URLs for named routes. Parameters ---------- * **route_class**: (optional): The default route class used by the route factory (defaults to ``Silex\Route``). Services -------- * **url_generator**: An instance of `UrlGenerator `_, using the `RouteCollection `_ that is provided through the ``routes`` service. It has a ``generate`` method, which takes the route name as an argument, followed by an array of route parameters. Registering ----------- .. code-block:: php $app->register(new Silex\Provider\RoutingServiceProvider()); Usage ----- The Routing provider provides a ``url_generator`` service:: $app->get('/', function () { return 'welcome to the homepage'; }) ->bind('homepage'); $app->get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) { return "Hello $name!"; }) ->bind('hello'); $app->get('/navigation', function () use ($app) { return 'Home'. ' | '. 'Hello Igor'; }); When using Twig, the service can be used like this: .. code-block:: jinja {{ app.url_generator.generate('homepage') }} Moreover, if you have ``twig-bridge`` as a Composer dep, you will have access to the ``path()`` and ``url()`` functions: .. code-block:: jinja {{ path('homepage') }} {{ url('homepage') }} {# generates the absolute url #} {{ path('hello', {name: 'Fabien'}) }} {{ url('hello', {name: 'Fabien'}) }} {# generates the absolute url #} Traits ------ ``Silex\Application\UrlGeneratorTrait`` adds the following shortcuts: * **path**: Generates a path. * **url**: Generates an absolute URL. .. code-block:: php $app->path('homepage'); $app->url('homepage');