$(function() { const sourceCode = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-editor'); if (sourceCode.length) { const commit = window.gitlist.commit; const branches = window.gitlist.branches; let originalCode = ''; let disableFull = false; const Cookies = require('js-cookie') const cookieName = 'p3x-gitlist-codemirror-size' const currentSizing = Cookies.get(cookieName) const codeCodeMirroNormal = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-codemirror'); const codeCodeMirrorBig = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-codemirror-exceeded') let value = sourceCode.text(); const maxSize = window.gitlist.codemirror_full_limit; const size = Math.ceil(value.length / 1024); const createCodeMirror = () => { if (size > maxSize) { disableFull = true; codeCodeMirroNormal.hide(); codeCodeMirrorBig.show(); } else { codeCodeMirroNormal.show(); } const mode = sourceCode.attr('language'); const pre = sourceCode.get(0); const codeMirror = $('.CodeMirror'); const buttonScroll = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-button-scroll'); const buttonFull = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-button-full'); const buttonEdit = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-button-edit'); const buttonEditCancel = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-button-edit-cancel'); const buttonEditSave = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-button-edit-save') const codeMirrorHeight = window.gitlist.editorMaxHeight; buttonEditCancel.hide(); buttonEditSave.hide(); buttonEdit.click(() => { if (!branches.includes(commit)) { let branchInfo; if (branches.length === 1) { branchInfo = `Only the ${branches.join(', ')} branch is editable.` } else { branchInfo = `Only the ${branches.join(', ')} branches are editable.` } $.snackbar({ htmlAllowed: true, content: `This commit ${commit} is not editable.
${branchInfo} `, }) return; } // buttonEditRow.show(); buttonEdit.hide(); buttonEditCancel.show(); buttonEditSave.show(); gitlist.viewer.setOption('readOnly', false) originalCode = gitlist.viewer.getValue() gitlist.viewer.focus(); $.snackbar({ content: `Editing`, }) }) const validateCodeIsSame = (snack = true) => { value = gitlist.viewer.getValue(); if (originalCode === value) { if (snack) { $.snackbar({ content: 'The code has not changed. No saving.', }) } return true; } return false; } const close = () => { buttonEdit.show(); buttonEditSave.hide(); buttonEditCancel.hide(); gitlist.viewer.setOption('readOnly', true) } buttonEditCancel.click(() => { if (!validateCodeIsSame(false)) { gitlist.viewer.setValue(originalCode) $.snackbar({ htmlAllowed: true, content: 'The changes are reverted.', }) } close(); }) let filename = window.gitlist.getPaths(); filename = filename.slice(4).join('/'); const errorHandler = window.gitlist.ajaxErrorHandler; const commitModal = $('#p3x-gitlist-modal-commit'); buttonEditSave.click(async () => { if (validateCodeIsSame()) { return; } commitModal.modal('show') }) const commitInputName = $('#p3x-gitlist-modal-commit-name'); const commitInputEmail = $('#p3x-gitlist-modal-commit-email'); const commitInputComment = $('#p3x-gitlist-modal-commit-comment'); const commitForm = $('#p3x-gitlist-modal-commit-form'); const inputs = { name: commitInputName, email: commitInputEmail, comment: commitInputComment, } for(let inputKey in inputs) { const input = inputs[inputKey] const cookieName = `p3x-gitlist-commit-${inputKey}`; const cookie = Cookies.get(cookieName) if (cookie) { input.val(cookie.trim()); } input.change(() => { const val = input.val().trim(); Cookies.set(cookieName, val); input.val(val); }) } const commitCommitPushButton = $('#p3x-gitlist-modal-commit-push') commitCommitPushButton.click( async () => { if (validateCodeIsSame()) { return; } if(commitForm[0].checkValidity() === false) { $.snackbar({ content: 'The commit form data is invalid..' }) return; } commitModal.modal('hide'); /* $.snackbar({ htmlAllowed: true, content: '  Saving ...' }) */ try { const url = `${window.gitlist.basepath}/${window.gitlist.repo}/git-helper/${window.gitlist.branch}/save` const response = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: { value: value, email: inputs.email.val(), name: inputs.name.val(), comment: inputs.comment.val(), filename: filename } }) const json = JSON.parse(response) if (json.output !== '') { $.snackbar({ htmlAllowed: true, content: json.output, }) } if (json.error === true) { errorHandler(json); } else { originalCode = value; close(); $.snackbar({ htmlAllowed: true, content: '  The file is saved.', }) } } catch(e) { errorHandler(e); } }) const setScroll = () => { buttonFull.removeClass('active') buttonScroll.addClass('active') codeMirror.css('height', codeMirrorHeight) gitlist.viewer.setSize(null, codeMirrorHeight); if (!disableFull) { Cookies.set(cookieName, 'scroll', window.gitlist.cookieSettings) } } buttonScroll.click(setScroll) const setFull = () => { buttonScroll.removeClass('active') buttonFull.addClass('active') codeMirror.css('height', 'auto') gitlist.viewer.setSize(null, '100%'); Cookies.set(cookieName, 'full', window.gitlist.cookieSettings) } buttonFull.click(setFull) const cm = CodeMirror(function(elt) { pre.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, pre); }, { styleActiveLine: true, styleSelectedText: true, value: value, lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, lineWrapping: true, readOnly: true, mode: mode, theme: window.gitlist.getActualThemeCodemirror(), }); gitlist.viewer = cm; const isReallyFull = currentSizing === 'full' && !disableFull; if (isReallyFull) { setFull() } else { setScroll() } const scrollToEditor = () => { let line = location.hash.startsWith('#L') ? location.hash.substring(2) : undefined if (line !== undefined) { setTimeout(() => { line = parseInt(line) cm.setSelection({ line: line - 1 , char: 0, }, { line: line - 1, char: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }) cm.scrollIntoView({line: line, char:0}, isReallyFull ? window.innerHeight / 2 : 100) /* const codes = $('.CodeMirror-linenumber') for(let codeLinenumber of codes) { const $codeLinenumber = $(codeLinenumber) const findLine = $codeLinenumber.text(); if(findLine === line ) { break; } } */ }, 250) } } if (location.search.includes('edit=1')) { setTimeout(() => { buttonEdit.click(); scrollToEditor(); }, 500) } else { scrollToEditor(); } } createCodeMirror(); } })