{% extends 'layout-page.twig' %} {% set page = 'files' %} {% block title %}P3X GitList{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% embed 'breadcrumb.twig' with {breadcrumbs: breadcrumbs} %} {% block right %}
{% if extension == 'svg' %} {% endif %} {% embed 'modal/modal-commit.twig' with {type: 'delete', title: 'Delete', bodyTitle: 'Are you sure to delete this file?', wrapForm: true } %} {% block buttons %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% if (((fileType != 'image' and fileType != 'markdown' ) or (enforceCodemirror)) and not binary )%} {% embed 'modal/modal-commit.twig' with { type: 'commit', title: 'Commit', bodyTitle: 'Are you sure to commit this change?', wrapForm: true } %} {% block buttons %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% elseif fileType == 'markdown' %} View editor {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block left %}
{% if binary %} Download {% else %} Raw {% endif %} Blame History
{% if (((fileType != 'image' and fileType != 'markdown') or enforceCodemirror) and not binary) %} {% endif %} {% if fileType == 'markdown' %} {% if enforceCodemirror %} Markdown rendered {% else %} Markdown code {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% endembed %}
{% if fileType == 'image' %}
{{ file }}
{% elseif fileType == 'markdown' and enforceCodemirror != true %} {% include 'markdown.twig' with {'filename': file, 'data': blob} %} {% elseif not binary %}
{{ blob|htmlentities|raw }}
{% endif %} {% if extension == 'svg' %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}