document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { const sourceCode = $('#sourcecode'); if (sourceCode.length) { const Cookies = require('js-cookie') const cookieName = 'p3x-gitlist-codemirror-size' const currentSizing = Cookies.get(cookieName) const codeSmall = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-small'); const codeBig = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-codemirror'); const value = sourceCode.text(); const maxSize = 64; const size = Math.ceil(value.length / 1024); const defaultInfo = `You enabled the full mode instead of scroll mode.
This can be slow. Scroll mode is fast!
The maximum auto parsed code size is ${maxSize} KB.
This code is ${size} KB. ` const createCodeMirror = () => { codeSmall.hide();; const mode = sourceCode.attr('language'); const pre = sourceCode.get(0); const codeMirror = $('.CodeMirror'); const buttonScroll = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-button-scroll'); const buttonFull = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-button-full'); const codeMirrorHeight = 300; const cookieSettings = { path: '/', expires: 3650 } const setScroll = () => { buttonFull.removeClass('active') buttonScroll.addClass('active') codeMirror.css('height', codeMirrorHeight) gitlist.viewer.setSize(null, codeMirrorHeight); Cookies.set(cookieName, 'scroll', cookieSettings) } const setFull = () => { if (currentSizing !== 'full' && size > maxSize) { $.snackbar({ htmlAllowed: true, content: defaultInfo, timeout: 30000, }); } setTimeout(() => { buttonScroll.removeClass('active') buttonFull.addClass('active') codeMirror.css('height', 'auto') gitlist.viewer.setSize(null, '100%'); Cookies.set(cookieName, 'full', cookieSettings) }, 250) } gitlist.viewer = CodeMirror(function(elt) { pre.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, pre); }, { value: value, lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, lineWrapping: true, readOnly: true, mode: mode, theme: window.gitlist.getActualThemeCodemirror(), }); if (currentSizing === 'full') { setFull() } else { setScroll() } } if (size > maxSize && currentSizing === 'full') { codeBig.hide();; const codeSmallButton = $('#p3x-gitlist-file-small-button'); const animate = 'animated bounce' let timeout; setTimeout(() => { $.snackbar({ htmlAllowed: true, content: `${defaultInfo} Auro-parsing disabled!
To see the parsed code, click the Parse code button. `, timeout: 30000, }); let flag = true; timeout = setInterval(() => { if (flag) { codeSmall.removeClass(animate) } else { codeSmall.addClass(animate) } flag = !flag; }, 2000) codeSmall.addClass(animate) }, 250) => { clearInterval(timeout); codeSmall.hide(); createCodeMirror(); }) } else { createCodeMirror(); } } })