[git] ;client = '/usr/bin/git' ; Your git executable path default_branch = 'master' ; Default branch when HEAD is detached ;repositories[] = '../git-test' ; Path to your repositories ; If you wish to add more repositories, just add a new line ; WINDOWS USERS client = 'C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe' ; Your git executable path repositories[] = 'C:\Users\patrikx3\Projects\patrikx3\gitlist-workspace\gitlist\git-test' ; Path to your repositories ; You can hide repositories from GitList, just copy this for each repository you want to hide ; hidden[] = '/home/git/repositories/BetaTest' [app] debug = false cache = false title = "P3X Gitlist Windows" ; big files can block the browser in code mirror, so there is a limit codemirror_full_limit = 48 ; there is a menu in the github button , ; there is a changelog button, if tis is false ; the changelog button is hidden github_repo_changelog = true [clone_button] ; ssh remote show_ssh_remote = true ; display remote URL for SSH ssh_user = 'git' ; user to use for cloning via SSH ; http remote show_http_remote = true ; display remote URL for HTTP use_https = true ; generate URL with https:// ; if cloning via GIT ; we cannot find out the subdir ; so we have to add this git clone subdir ; eg git_clone_subdir = '/var/git/repository/' git_clone_subdir = '' ; true = it calculates to actual route/nested path by itself for the http clone button git_http_subdir_calculated = true ; if git_http_subdir_calculated is false, then as the path is used as git_http_subdir variable git_http_subdir = '/git-http-subdir' ; has to end with trailing slash http_user = '' ; user to use for cloning via HTTP (default: none) http_user_dynamic = false ; when enabled, http_user is set to $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ; If you need to specify custom filetypes for certain extensions, do this here [filetypes] ; extension = type ; dist = xml ; If you need to set file types as binary or not, do this here [binary_filetypes] ; extension = true ; svh = false ; map = true ; set the timezone [date] timezone = Europe/Budapest format = 'Y.m.d. H:i:s' ; custom avatar service [avatar] ; url = '//gravatar.com/avatar/' ; query[] = 'd=identicon'