const fs = require('fs'); const fsExtra = require('fs-extra'); module.exports = function (grunt) { const themeDir = './public/less/theme'; const filesLess = { } const root = './node_modules/bootswatch'; const watches = fs.readdirSync(root); const themes = ['default']; const excluded = ['fonts']; const themeCss = { 'bootstrap-default': '/css/bootstrap-default.css', } for(let path of watches) { const stat = fs.statSync(`${root}/${path}`); if (stat.isDirectory() && !excluded.includes(path)) { themes.push(path); themeCss[`bootstrap-${path}`] = `/css/bootstrap-${path}.css`; } } fsExtra.ensureDirSync(themeDir); for(let theme of themes) { const less = `${themeDir}/${theme}.less`; if (theme === 'default') { fs.writeFileSync(less, ` @import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/less/bootstrap"; @import "../default"; `) } else { fs.writeFileSync(less, ` @import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/less/bootstrap"; @import "../../../node_modules/bootswatch/${theme}/variables"; @import "../../../node_modules/bootswatch/${theme}/bootswatch"; @import "../default"; `) } // console.log(less) filesLess[`public/css/bootstrap-${theme}.css`] = less; } fs.writeFileSync(`./public/js/themes.js`, ` module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(themeCss, null, 4)} `); // grunt.log.writeln(JSON.stringify(filesLess, null, 2)) grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less'); const builder = require(`corifeus-builder`); const loader = new builder.loader(grunt); loader.js({ replacer: { type: 'p3x', npmio: false, node: false, }, config: { clean: { /* themes: [ themeDir ], fonts: [ 'public/fonts' ] */ }, copy: { tweomji: { files: [ { cwd: 'node_modules/twemoji/2/svg', expand: true, src: [ '**', ], dest: './public/webpack/assets/twemoji/svg' }, ] }, }, less: { development: { options: { compress: true, }, files: filesLess }, }, watch: { less: { files: ['public/less/*.*'], tasks: ['less'], options: { atBegin: true, //spawn: false, }, }, } } }); grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean','less', 'copy', 'cory-replace']); grunt.registerTask('build', ['default']); grunt.registerTask('run', ['watch:less']); };