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Raw Blame History
Markdown rendered
# v0.5.4
* Different submodule links for Gitlist and Github

# v0.5.3
* The markdown links are working right
* Shows submodules

# v0.5.2
* Added all Bootsswatch themes (
* Removed default theme, kept only Bootstrap (though like over 10 themes now)
* Removed PHP 5 support, only >= 7
* Upgraded Silex v1 to v2
* Upgraded Twig v1 to v2
* Upgraded Symfony/twig-bridge v2 to v3
* Upgraded  Symfony/filesystem v2 to v3
* Upgraded Phpunit v4 to v6
* Moved from Showdown to Marked (more features)
* NodeJs >= 7.8, required
* Bower is, required
* The build system uses Grunt, not required