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Raw Blame History


namespace GitList\SCM\System\Mercurial;

use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use GitList\SCM\AnnotatedLine;
use GitList\SCM\Blame;
use GitList\SCM\Blob;
use GitList\SCM\Branch;
use GitList\SCM\Commit;
use GitList\SCM\Commit\Criteria;
use GitList\SCM\Commit\Person;
use GitList\SCM\Diff\Parse;
use GitList\SCM\Exception\CommandException;
use GitList\SCM\Repository;
use GitList\SCM\Symlink;
use GitList\SCM\System;
use GitList\SCM\Tag;
use GitList\SCM\Tree;
use SimpleXMLElement;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

class CommandLine implements System
    public const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 3600;
    public const DEFAULT_COMMIT_FORMAT = '-T "<item><hash>{node}</hash><short_hash>{node|short}</short_hash><tree>{p1node}</tree><short_tree>{p1node|short}</short_tree><parent>{p1node}</parent><short_parent>{p1node|short}</short_parent><subject><![CDATA[{desc|firstline}]]></subject><author>{author|person}</author><author_email>{author|email}</author_email><author_date>{date|rfc822date}</author_date><commiter>{author|person}</commiter><commiter_email>{author|email}</commiter_email><commiter_date>{date|rfc822date}</commiter_date><body><![CDATA[{desc}]]></body></item>"';

    // Mercurial does not support ISO 8601 properly
    public const MERCURIAL_DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';

    protected ?string $path;

    public function __construct(string $path = null)
        if (!$path) {
            $path = (new ExecutableFinder())->find('hg', '/usr/bin/hg');

        $this->path = $path;

    public function isValidRepository(Repository $repository): bool
        $path = $repository->getPath();

        return file_exists($path) && (file_exists($path . '/.hg'));

    public function getDescription(Repository $repository): string
        $path = $repository->getPath();

        if (file_exists($path . '/.hg/hgrc')) {
            $hgrc = parse_ini_file($path . '/.hg/hgrc');

            return $hgrc['description'] ?? '';

        return '';

    public function getDefaultBranch(Repository $repository): string
        return 'default';

    public function getBranches(Repository $repository): array
        $output = $this->run(['heads', '-T {bookmarks}||{node}\n'], $repository);
        $branchData = explode("\n", $output);
        $branches = [];

        foreach ($branchData as $branchItem) {
            if (empty($branchItem)) {

            $branchInfo = explode('||', $branchItem);
            $commit = $this->getCommit($repository, trim($branchInfo[1]));
            $branches[] = new Branch($repository, trim($branchInfo[0]), $commit);

        return $branches;

    public function getTags(Repository $repository): array
        $output = $this->run(['tags', '-T', '{tag}||{node}||{node|short}||{author|person}||{author|email}||{date|rfc822date}||{desc|firstline}\n'], $repository);
        $tagData = explode("\n", $output);
        $tags = [];

        foreach ($tagData as $tagItem) {
            if (empty($tagItem)) {

            $tagInfo = explode('||', $tagItem);

            if (!isset($tagInfo[0])) {

            $author = new Person($tagInfo[3], $tagInfo[4]);
            $authoredAt = new CarbonImmutable($tagInfo[5]);
            $tag = new Tag($repository, $tagInfo[0], $author, $authoredAt);

            if (isset($tagInfo[1])) {
                $commit = new Commit($repository, $tagInfo[1], $tagInfo[2] ?? null);

            if (isset($tagInfo[6])) {

            $tags[] = $tag;

        return $tags;

    public function getTree(Repository $repository, ?string $hash = 'tip'): Tree
        $output = $this->run(['manifest', '-v', '--debug', '-r', $hash], $repository);

        return $this->buildTree($repository, $hash, $output);

    public function getRecursiveTree(Repository $repository, ?string $hash = 'tip'): Tree
        $output = $this->run(['manifest', '-v', '--debug', '-r', $hash], $repository);

        return $this->buildTree($repository, $hash, $output);

    public function getPathTree(Repository $repository, string $path, ?string $hash = 'tip'): Tree
        // Mercurial manifest doesn't seem to support path specification, so we filter here
        $tree = $this->getTree($repository, $hash);

        foreach ($tree->getChildren() as $child) {
            if (str_starts_with($child->getName(), $path)) {


        return $tree;

    public function getCommit(Repository $repository, ?string $hash = 'tip'): Commit
        $commitOutput = $this->run(['log', self::DEFAULT_COMMIT_FORMAT, '-r', $hash], $repository);
        $commits = $this->parseCommitDataXml($repository, $commitOutput);
        $commit = reset($commits);

        $diffOutput = $this->run(['diff', '--change', $hash], $repository);

        $fileDiffs = (new Parse())->fromRawBlock($diffOutput);

        return $commit;

    public function getCommits(Repository $repository, ?string $hash = 'tip', int $page = 1, int $perPage = 10): array
        $range = sprintf('limit(branch("%s"), %d, %d)', $hash, $page * $perPage, ($page - 1) * $perPage);

        $output = $this->run([
        ], $repository);

        return $this->parseCommitDataXml($repository, $output);

    public function getCommitsFromPath(Repository $repository, string $path, ?string $hash = 'tip', int $page = 1, int $perPage = 10): array
        $range = sprintf('limit(branch("%s"), %d, %d)', $hash, $page * $perPage, ($page - 1) * $perPage);

        $output = $this->run([
        ], $repository);

        return $this->parseCommitDataXml($repository, $output);

    public function getSpecificCommits(Repository $repository, array $hashes): array
        $output = $this->run(['log', self::DEFAULT_COMMIT_FORMAT, '-r', implode(':', $hashes)], $repository);

        return $this->parseCommitDataXml($repository, $output);

    public function getBlame(Repository $repository, string $hash, string $path): Blame
        $output = $this->run(['annotate', '-cv', '-r', $hash, $path], $repository);
        $blameLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
        $annotatedLines = [];
        $commits = [];

        foreach ($blameLines as $blameLine) {
            if (empty($blameLine)) {

            $commit = substr($blameLine, 0, 12);
            $line = substr($blameLine, 14);

            $commits[] = $commit;
            $annotatedLines[] = [
                'commit' => $commit,
                'line' => $line,

        $blame = new Blame($hash, $path);
        $commits = $this->getSpecificCommits($repository, array_unique($commits));

        foreach ($annotatedLines as $annotatedLine) {
            $commit = $commits[$annotatedLine['commit']];
            $blame->addAnnotatedLine(new AnnotatedLine($commit, $annotatedLine['line']));

        return $blame;

    public function getBlob(Repository $repository, string $hash, string $path): Blob
        $output = $this->run(['cat', '-r', $hash, $path], $repository);
        $blob = new Blob($repository, $hash);

        return $blob;

    public function searchCommits(Repository $repository, Criteria $criteria, ?string $hash = 'tip'): array
        $command = ['log', self::DEFAULT_COMMIT_FORMAT];
        $commits = [];

        if ($criteria->getFrom() && $criteria->getTo()) {
            $command[] = '--date';
            $command[] = sprintf(
                '%s to %s',

        if ($criteria->getFrom() && !$criteria->getTo()) {
            $command[] = '--date';
            $command[] = '>' . $criteria->getFrom()->format(self::MERCURIAL_DATE_FORMAT);

        if (!$criteria->getFrom() && $criteria->getTo()) {
            $command[] = '--date';
            $command[] = '<' . $criteria->getTo()->format(self::MERCURIAL_DATE_FORMAT);

        if ($criteria->getAuthor()) {
            $command[] = '--user';
            $command[] = $criteria->getAuthor();

        if ($criteria->getMessage()) {
            $command[] = '--keyword';
            $command[] = $criteria->getMessage();

        $command[] = '-r';
        $command[] = sprintf('sort(branch("%s"), -date)', $hash);
        $output = $this->run($command, $repository);
        $commits += $this->parseCommitDataXml($repository, $output);

        return $commits;

    public function archive(Repository $repository, string $format, string $hash, string $path = ''): string
        $destination = sprintf('%s/%s.%s', sys_get_temp_dir(), $hash, $format);
        $this->run(['archive', '-r', $hash, '-I', $path, $destination], $repository);

        return $destination;

    protected function run(array $command, Repository $repository = null): string
        array_unshift($command, $this->path);

        $process = new Process($command);

        if ($repository) {

        try {
        } catch (ProcessFailedException $exception) {
            throw new CommandException($exception->getProcess()->getErrorOutput());

        return $process->getOutput();

    protected function parseCommitDataXml(Repository $repository, string $input): array
        $items = new SimpleXMLElement('<items>' . $input . '</items>');
        $commits = [];

        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $commit = new Commit($repository, (string) $item->hash, (string) $item->short_hash);
            $commit->setTree(new Tree($repository, (string) $item->tree, (string) $item->short_tree));

            $parents = explode(' ', (string) $item->parent);
            $shortParents = explode(' ', (string) $item->short_parent);
            foreach ($parents as $key => $parent) {
                $commit->addParent(new Commit($repository, $parent, $shortParents[$key] ?? null));

            $commit->setSubject((string) $item->subject);
            $commit->setBody((string) $item->body);
            $commit->setAuthor(new Person((string) $item->author, (string) $item->author_email));
            $commit->setAuthoredAt(new CarbonImmutable((string) $item->author_date));
            $commit->setCommiter(new Person((string) $item->commiter, (string) $item->commiter_email));
            $commit->setCommitedAt(new CarbonImmutable((string) $item->commiter_date));

            $commits[(string) $item->short_hash] = $commit;

        return $commits;

    protected function buildTree(Repository $repository, string $hash, string $output): Tree
        $lines = explode("\n", $output);
        $root = new Tree($repository, $hash);

        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if (empty($line)) {

            $file = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $line, 4);

            if ($file[2] == '.hgtags') {

            if ($file[2] == '@') {
                $symlinkTarget = $this->run(['cat', '-r', $hash, $file[3]], $repository);
                $symlink = new Symlink($repository, $file[0]);


            $blob = new Blob($repository, $file[0]);

        return $root;