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 * This file is part of the Silex framework.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Silex;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route as BaseRoute;

 * A wrapper for a controller, mapped to a route.
 * @author Fabien Potencier <>
class Route extends BaseRoute
     * Constructor.
     * Available options:
     *  * compiler_class: A class name able to compile this route instance (RouteCompiler by default)
     * @param string       $path         The path pattern to match
     * @param array        $defaults     An array of default parameter values
     * @param array        $requirements An array of requirements for parameters (regexes)
     * @param array        $options      An array of options
     * @param string       $host         The host pattern to match
     * @param string|array $schemes      A required URI scheme or an array of restricted schemes
     * @param string|array $methods      A required HTTP method or an array of restricted methods
    public function __construct($path = '/', array $defaults = [], array $requirements = [], array $options = [], $host = '', $schemes = [], $methods = [])
        // overridden constructor to make $path optional
        parent::__construct($path, $defaults, $requirements, $options, $host, $schemes, $methods);

     * Sets the route code that should be executed when matched.
     * @param callable $to PHP callback that returns the response when matched
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function run($to)
        $this->setDefault('_controller', $to);

        return $this;

     * Sets the requirement for a route variable.
     * @param string $variable The variable name
     * @param string $regexp   The regexp to apply
     * @return Route $this The current route instance
    public function assert($variable, $regexp)
        $this->setRequirement($variable, $regexp);

        return $this;

     * Sets the default value for a route variable.
     * @param string $variable The variable name
     * @param mixed  $default  The default value
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function value($variable, $default)
        $this->setDefault($variable, $default);

        return $this;

     * Sets a converter for a route variable.
     * @param string $variable The variable name
     * @param mixed  $callback A PHP callback that converts the original value
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function convert($variable, $callback)
        $converters = $this->getOption('_converters');
        $converters[$variable] = $callback;
        $this->setOption('_converters', $converters);

        return $this;

     * Sets the requirement for the HTTP method.
     * @param string $method The HTTP method name. Multiple methods can be supplied, delimited by a pipe character '|', eg. 'GET|POST'
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function method($method)
        $this->setMethods(explode('|', $method));

        return $this;

     * Sets the requirement of host on this Route.
     * @param string $host The host for which this route should be enabled
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function host($host)

        return $this;

     * Sets the requirement of HTTP (no HTTPS) on this Route.
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function requireHttp()

        return $this;

     * Sets the requirement of HTTPS on this Route.
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function requireHttps()

        return $this;

     * Sets a callback to handle before triggering the route callback.
     * @param mixed $callback A PHP callback to be triggered when the Route is matched, just before the route callback
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function before($callback)
        $callbacks = $this->getOption('_before_middlewares');
        $callbacks[] = $callback;
        $this->setOption('_before_middlewares', $callbacks);

        return $this;

     * Sets a callback to handle after the route callback.
     * @param mixed $callback A PHP callback to be triggered after the route callback
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function after($callback)
        $callbacks = $this->getOption('_after_middlewares');
        $callbacks[] = $callback;
        $this->setOption('_after_middlewares', $callbacks);

        return $this;

     * Sets a condition for the route to match.
     * @param string $condition The condition
     * @return Route $this The current Route instance
    public function when($condition)

        return $this;