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Raw Blame History

2.3.0 (2018-04-20)

 * added support for defining users provider as a service ID
 * fixed error when HttpKernelRuntime is not available
 * allow setting custom status code on exception response with Symfony 3.3+
 * made CSRF extension work with Validator translations domain
 * fixed Security provider context usage
 * dropped support for Twig < 2.0
 * dropped support for PHP < 7.1
 * dropped support for Symfony 2.x and 3.x
 * added support for Symfony 4
 * added support PSR-3 log levels in MonologServiceProvider
 * exposed AuthenticationUtils in SecurityServiceProvider

2.2.3 (2018-02-25)

 * fixed validator integration into the security provider (order of registration of the validator and security providers does not matter anymore)
 * fixed compatibility issues with Symfony 3.4

2.2.2 (2018-01-12)

* [SECURITY] fixed before handlers not executed under mounts

2.2.1 (2017-12-14)

* added support for Swiftmailer SSL stream_context_options option
* fixed usage of namespaces for Twig paths

2.2.0 (2017-07-23)

* added json manifest version strategy support
* fixed EsiFragment constructor
* fixed RedirectableUrlMatcher compatibility with Symfony
* fixed compatibility with Pimple 3.2
* fixed WebTestCase compatibility with PHPUnit 6+

2.1.0 (2017-05-03)

* added more options to security.firewalls
* added WebLink component integration
* added parameters to configure the Twig core extension behavior
* fixed deprecation notices with symfony/twig-bridge 3.2+ in TwigServiceProvider
* added FormRegistry as a service to enable the extension point
* removed the build scripts
* fixed some deprecation warnings
* added support for registering Swiftmailer plugins

2.0.4 (2016-11-06)

* fixed twig.app_variable definition
* added support for latest versions of Twig 1.x and 2.0 (Twig runtime loaders)
* added support for Symfony 2.3

2.0.3 (2016-08-22)

* fixed lazy evaluation of 'monolog.use_error_handler'
* fixed PHP7 type hint on controllers

2.0.2 (2016-06-14)

* fixed Symfony 3.1 deprecations

2.0.1 (2016-05-27)

* fixed the silex form extension registration to allow overriding default ones
* removed support for the obsolete Locale Symfony component (uses the Intl one now)
* added support for Symfony 3.1

2.0.0 (2016-05-18)

* decoupled the exception handler from HttpKernelServiceProvider
* Switched to BCrypt as the default encoder in the security provider
* added full support for RequestMatcher
* added support for Symfony Guard
* added support for callables in CallbackResolver
* added FormTrait::namedForm()
* added support for delivery_addresses, delivery_whitelist, and sender_address
* added support to register form types / form types extensions / form types guessers as services
* added support for callable in mounts (allow nested route collection to be built easily)
* added support for conditions on routes
* added support for the Symfony VarDumper Component
* added a global Twig variable (an AppVariable instance)
* [BC BREAK] CSRF has been moved to a standalone provider (``form.secret`` is not available anymore)
* added support for the Symfony HttpFoundation Twig bridge extension
* added support for the Symfony Asset Component
* bumped minimum version of Symfony to 2.8
* bumped minimum version of PHP to 5.5.0
* Updated Pimple to 3.0
* Updated session listeners to extends HttpKernel ones
* [BC BREAK] Locale management has been moved to LocaleServiceProvider which must be registered
  if you want Silex to manage your locale (must also be registered for the translation service provider)
* [BC BREAK] Provider interfaces moved to Silex\Api namespace, published as
  separate package via subtree split
* [BC BREAK] ServiceProviderInterface split in to EventListenerProviderInterface
  and BootableProviderInterface
* [BC BREAK] Service Provider support files moved under Silex\Provider
  namespace, allowing publishing as separate package via sub-tree split
* ``monolog.exception.logger_filter`` option added to Monolog service provider
* [BC BREAK] ``$app['request']`` service removed, use ``$app['request_stack']`` instead

1.3.6 (2016-XX-XX)

* n/a

1.3.5 (2016-01-06)

* fixed typo in SecurityServiceProvider

1.3.4 (2015-09-15)

* fixed some new deprecations
* fixed translation registration for the validators

1.3.3 (2015-09-08)

* added support for Symfony 3.0 and Twig 2.0
* fixed some Form deprecations
* removed deprecated method call in the exception handler
* fixed Swiftmailer spool flushing when spool is not enabled

1.3.2 (2015-08-24)

* no changes

1.3.1 (2015-08-04)

* added missing support for the Expression constraint
* fixed the possibility to override translations for validator error messages
* fixed sub-mounts with same name clash
* fixed session logout handler when a firewall is stateless

1.3.0 (2015-06-05)

* added a `$app['user']` to get the current user (security provider)
* added view handlers
* added support for the OPTIONS HTTP method
* added caching for the Translator provider
* deprecated `$app['exception_handler']->disable()` in favor of `unset($app['exception_handler'])`
* made Silex compatible with Symfony 2.7 an 2.8 (and keep compatibility with Symfony 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6)
* removed deprecated TwigCoreExtension class (register the new HttpFragmentServiceProvider instead)
* bumped minimum version of PHP to 5.3.9

1.2.5 (2015-06-04)

* no code changes (last version of the 1.2 branch)

1.2.4 (2015-04-11)

* fixed the exception message when mounting a collection that doesn't return a ControllerCollection
* fixed Symfony dependencies (Silex 1.2 is not compatible with Symfony 2.7)

1.2.3 (2015-01-20)

* fixed remember me listener
* fixed translation files loading when they do not exist
* allowed global after middlewares to return responses like route specific ones

1.2.2 (2014-09-26)

* fixed Translator locale management
* added support for the $app argument in application middlewares (to make it consistent with route middlewares)
* added form.types to the Form provider

1.2.1 (2014-07-01)

* added support permissions in the Monolog provider
* fixed Switfmailer spool where the event dispatcher is different from the other ones
* fixed locale when changing it on the translator itself

1.2.0 (2014-03-29)

* Allowed disabling the boot logic of MonologServiceProvider
* Reverted "convert attributes on the request that actually exist"
* [BC BREAK] Routes are now always added in the order of their registration (even for mounted routes)
* Added run() on Route to be able to define the controller code
* Deprecated TwigCoreExtension (register the new HttpFragmentServiceProvider instead)
* Added HttpFragmentServiceProvider
* Allowed a callback to be a method call on a service (before, after, finish, error, on Application; convert, before, after on Controller)

1.1.3 (2013-XX-XX)

* Fixed translator locale management

1.1.2 (2013-10-30)

* Added missing "security.hide_user_not_found" support in SecurityServiceProvider
* Fixed event listeners that are registered after the boot via the on() method

1.0.2 (2013-10-30)

* Fixed SecurityServiceProvider to use null as a fake controller so that routes can be dumped

1.1.1 (2013-10-11)

* Removed or replaced deprecated Symfony code
* Updated code to take advantages of 2.3 new features
* Only convert attributes on the request that actually exist.

1.1.0 (2013-07-04)

* Support for any ``Psr\Log\LoggerInterface`` as opposed to the monolog-bridge
* Made dispatcher proxy methods ``on``, ``before``, ``after`` and ``error``
  lazy, so that they will not instantiate the dispatcher early.
* Dropped support for 2.1 and 2.2 versions of Symfony.

1.0.1 (2013-07-04)

* Fixed RedirectableUrlMatcher::redirect() when Silex is configured to use a logger
* Make ``DoctrineServiceProvider`` multi-db support lazy.

1.0.0 (2013-05-03)

* **2013-04-12**: Added support for validators as services.

* **2013-04-01**: Added support for host matching with symfony 2.2::

      $app->match('/', function() {
          // app-specific action

      $app->match('/', function ($user) {
          // user-specific action

* **2013-03-08**: Added support for form type extensions and guessers as

* **2013-03-08**: Added support for remember-me via the

* **2013-02-07**: Added ``Application::sendFile()`` to ease sending

* **2012-11-05**: Filters have been renamed to application middlewares in the

* **2012-11-05**: The ``before()``, ``after()``, ``error()``, and ``finish()``
  listener priorities now set the priority of the underlying Symfony event
  instead of a custom one before.

* **2012-11-05**: Removing the default exception handler should now be done
  via its ``disable()`` method:





* **2012-07-15**: removed the ``monolog.configure`` service. Use the
  ``extend`` method instead:


        $app['monolog.configure'] = $app->protect(function ($monolog) use ($app) {
            // do something


        $app['monolog'] = $app->share($app->extend('monolog', function($monolog, $app) {
            // do something

            return $monolog;

* **2012-06-17**: ``ControllerCollection`` now takes a required route instance
  as a constructor argument.


        $controllers = new ControllerCollection();


        $controllers = new ControllerCollection(new Route());

        // or even better
        $controllers = $app['controllers_factory'];

* **2012-06-17**: added application traits for PHP 5.4

* **2012-06-16**: renamed ``request.default_locale`` to ``locale``

* **2012-06-16**: Removed the ``translator.loader`` service. See documentation
  for how to use XLIFF or YAML-based translation files.

* **2012-06-15**: removed the ``twig.configure`` service. Use the ``extend``
  method instead:


        $app['twig.configure'] = $app->protect(function ($twig) use ($app) {
            // do something


        $app['twig'] = $app->share($app->extend('twig', function($twig, $app) {
            // do something

            return $twig;

* **2012-06-13**: Added a route ``before`` middleware

* **2012-06-13**: Renamed the route ``middleware`` to ``before``

* **2012-06-13**: Added an extension for the Symfony Security component

* **2012-05-31**: Made the ``BrowserKit``, ``CssSelector``, ``DomCrawler``,
  ``Finder`` and ``Process`` components optional dependencies. Projects that
  depend on them (e.g. through functional tests) should add those dependencies
  to their ``composer.json``.

* **2012-05-26**: added ``boot()`` to ``ServiceProviderInterface``.

* **2012-05-26**: Removed ``SymfonyBridgesServiceProvider``. It is now implicit
  by checking the existence of the bridge.

* **2012-05-26**: Removed the ``translator.messages`` parameter (use
  ```` instead).

* **2012-05-24**: Removed the ``autoloader`` service (use composer instead).
  The ``*.class_path`` settings on all the built-in providers have also been
  removed in favor of Composer.

* **2012-05-21**: Changed error() to allow handling specific exceptions.

* **2012-05-20**: Added a way to define settings on a controller collection.

* **2012-05-20**: The Request instance is not available anymore from the
  Application after it has been handled.

* **2012-04-01**: Added ``finish`` filters.

* **2012-03-20**: Added ``json`` helper::

        $data = array('some' => 'data');
        $response = $app->json($data);

* **2012-03-11**: Added route middlewares.

* **2012-03-02**: Switched to use Composer for dependency management.

* **2012-02-27**: Updated to Symfony 2.1 session handling.

* **2012-01-02**: Introduced support for streaming responses.

* **2011-09-22**: ``ExtensionInterface`` has been renamed to
  ``ServiceProviderInterface``. All built-in extensions have been renamed
  accordingly (for instance, ``Silex\Extension\TwigExtension`` has been
  renamed to ``Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider``).

* **2011-09-22**: The way reusable applications work has changed. The
  ``mount()`` method now takes an instance of ``ControllerCollection`` instead
  of an ``Application`` one.


        $app = new Application();
        $app->get('/bar', function() { return 'foo'; });

        return $app;


        $app = new ControllerCollection();
        $app->get('/bar', function() { return 'foo'; });

        return $app;

* **2011-08-08**: The controller method configuration is now done on the Controller itself


        $app->match('/', function () { echo 'foo'; }, 'GET|POST');


        $app->match('/', function () { echo 'foo'; })->method('GET|POST');