- gitlist.git
- scripts
- init.cmd
This file ( 611B ) exceeds the allowed full mode (48 kb) size.
The editor full hight is disabled, only scrolling is allowed..
If you wish to edit a file, it is recommended to use the scroll mode as some users do not like the full height
mode, although some users like it.
@echo off
set CACHE=cache
set GIT_TEST=git-test
del /s /q %CACHE%
rmdir /s /q %CACHE%
mkdir %CACHE%
del /s /q %GIT_TEST%
rmdir /s /q %GIT_TEST%
mkdir %GIT_TEST%
copy artifacts\config.windows.ini .\config.ini
pushd %GIT_TEST%
for %%r in ("https://github.com/patrikx3/gitlist" "https://github.com/patrikx3/gitter" "https://github.com/patrikx3/corifeus" "https://github.com/patrikx3/corifeus-builder" "https://github.com/patrikx3/gitlist-workspace" "https://github.com/patrikx3/onenote" "https://github.com/patrikx3/resume-web") do (
echo %%r
git clone --bare %%r
composer install
npm install