- gitlist.git
- src
- browser
- js
- commit.js
This file ( 2kB ) exceeds the allowed full mode (48 kb) size.
The editor full hight is disabled, only scrolling is allowed..
If you wish to edit a file, it is recommended to use the scroll mode as some users do not like the full height
mode, although some users like it.
$(() => {
const diffEditors = $('.p3x-gitlist-diff-container');
const commitMessage = $('#p3x-git-commit-heading');
if (commitMessage.length) {
const html = marked(commitMessage.text().trim(), {
renderer: window.gitlist.markdownRenderer,
commitMessage.html(twemoji.parse(html, {
folder: 'svg',
ext: '.svg',
let deferScroll;
if (diffEditors.length > 0) {
const generatedDiffs = {};
let diffs
const url = new URL(location);
url.searchParams.append('ajax', 1)
$.ajax(url.toString()).then((diffsResponseJson) => {
diffs = diffsResponseJson;
for (let diffEditor of diffEditors) {
const $editableHover = $('#' + diffEditor.dataset.diffId);
// console.log(diffEditor.dataset.diffId)
const $diffEditor = $(diffEditor);
('click', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
const index = diffEditor.dataset.diffIndex;
const showDiff = () => {
if (diffs === undefined || !window.gitlist.generateDiff.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
// console.log(window.gitlist.generateDiff[index]);
diffEditor.timeout = setTimeout(showDiff, 100);
} else if (!generatedDiffs.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
generatedDiffs[index] = true;
const diff = diffs[index - 1];
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100)
}, 1)