- gitlist.git
- twig
- stats.twig
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{% extends 'layout_page.twig' %}
{% set page = 'stats' %}
{% block title %}P3X GitList{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% include 'breadcrumb.twig' with {breadcrumbs: [{dir: 'Statistics', path:''}]} %}
<table class="p3x-gitlist-stats table stats">
<th width="30%"><span class="fa fa-file-text"></span> File extensions ({{ stats.extensions|length }})</th>
<th width="40%"><span class="fa fa-users"></span> Authors ({{ authors|length }})</th>
<th width="30%"><span class="fa fa-star"></span> Other</th>
{% for ext, amount in stats.extensions %}
<li><strong>{{ ext }}</strong>: {{ amount }} files</li>
{% endfor %}
{% for author in authors %}
<li><strong><a href="mailto:{{ author.email }}">{{ author.name }}</a></strong>: {{ author.commits }} commits</li>
{% endfor %}
<strong>Total files:</strong> {{ stats.files }}
<strong>Total bytes:</strong> {{ stats.size }} bytes ({{ stats.size | format_size }})
{% endblock %}