- gitlist.git
- themes
- bootstrap
- twig
- rss.twig
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Latest commits in {{ repo }}:{{ branch }}</title>
<description>RSS provided by GitList</description>
<link>{{ url('homepage') }}</link>
{% for commit in commits %}
<title>{{ commit.message }}</title>
<description>{{ commit.author.name }} authored {{ commit.shortHash }} in {{ commit.date | format_date }}</description>
<link>{{ url('commit', {repo: repo, commit: commit.hash}) }}</link>
<pubDate>{{ commit.date | date('r') }}</pubDate>
<author>{{ commit.author.email }} ({{ commit.author.name }})</author>
{% endfor %}