- gitlist.git
- themes
- bootstrap
- twig
- network.twig
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{% extends 'layout_page.twig' %}
{% set page = 'network' %}
{% block title %}GitList{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% include 'breadcrumb.twig' with {breadcrumbs: [{dir: 'Network', path:''}]} %}
<div class="network-view">
<div class="navbar navbar-default network-header" role="navigation">
<div class="container">
<span class="navbar-brand" href="#">
Network Graph of {{ repo }} / {{ commitishPath }}
<div class="network-graph" data-source="{{ path('networkData', {repo: repo, commitishPath: commitishPath}) }}">
{#<div class="network-graph" data-source="/dummynetwork.json">#}
{% endblock %}