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const fs = require('fs'); const fsExtra = require('fs-extra'); const glob = require('glob'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const path = require('path'); const cwd = path.resolve(`${process.cwd()}`)
const prodDir = require('../../../package').corifeus["prod-dir"];
let lessLastHash; let lessFiles; const filesLessCache = `${cwd}/build/less/file-less.json`; const lessSettings = (grunt) => { return { options: { sourceMap: true, compress: true, }, get files() {
let files = glob.sync(`${cwd}/src/browser/less/**/*.*`)
let string = '' for (let filename of files) { string += fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8') } const lessHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(string).digest("hex"); if (lessLastHash === lessHash) { grunt.log.writeln(`less hash is the same - ${lessHash}`) return lessFiles }/* else if (fs.existsSync(filesLessCacheBuild) && fs.existsSync(filesLessCache) && fs.readFileSync(cssPostfixFilename, 'utf8').toString() === lessHash) { grunt.log.writeln(`less hash is the same in different process, using file less cache - ${lessHash}`) return fs.readFileSync(filesLessCache, 'utf8').toString(); }*/ grunt.log.writeln(`less hash generating new build - ${lessHash}`) lessLastHash = lessHash;
const pkgFilename = './package.json'; const pkg = fsExtra.readJsonSync(pkgFilename);
pkg.corifeus['css-postfix'] = lessHash
//fsExtra.writeJsonSync(pkgFilename, pkg)
fs.writeFileSync(pkgFilename, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 4), 'utf8')
grunt.log.writeln('The css postfix file has been saved!'); const generateLessFiles = () => {
const themeDir = './src/browser/less/theme';
const filesLess = {} const root = './node_modules/bootswatch'; const watches = fs.readdirSync(root); const themes = [ 'default', 'solar', ];
const excluded = ['fonts', '.github', 'docs'];
// css with random const themeCss = {
'bootstrap-default': `${prodDir}/css/bootstrap-default.${lessHash}.css`, 'bootstrap-solar': `${prodDir}/css/bootstrap-solar.${lessHash}.css`,
} for (let path of watches) { const stat = fs.statSync(`${root}/${path}`); if (stat.isDirectory() && !excluded.includes(path)) { themes.push(path);
themeCss[`bootstrap-${path}`] = `${prodDir}/css/bootstrap-${path}.${lessHash}.css`;
} } // -- css with random // less with random fsExtra.ensureDirSync(themeDir);
const pathFont = ',400,700'
for (let theme of themes) { const less = `${themeDir}/${theme}.less`; if (theme === 'default') { fs.writeFileSync(less, `
@import "../../../../node_modules/bootstrap/less/bootstrap";
@import "../default"; `) } else if (theme === 'solar') { fs.writeFileSync(less, `
@path: '${pathFont}';
@import "../../../../node_modules/bootstrap/less/bootstrap";
@import "solar/variables"; @import "solar/bootswatch"; @import "../default"; `) } else { fs.writeFileSync(less, `
@path: '${pathFont}';
@import "../../../../node_modules/bootstrap/less/bootstrap"; @import "../../../../node_modules/bootswatch/${theme}/variables"; @import "../../../../node_modules/bootswatch/${theme}/bootswatch";
@import "../default"; `) } // console.log(less)
filesLess[`public/${prodDir}/css/bootstrap-${theme}.${lessHash}.css`] = less;
} // -- less with random
fs.writeFileSync(`./src/browser/js/themes.js`, `
const themes = ${JSON.stringify(themeCss, null, 4)}; module.exports = themes; `); fsExtra.outputJsonSync(filesLessCache, filesLess) return filesLess
// grunt.log.writeln(JSON.stringify(filesLess, null, 4))
} lessFiles = generateLessFiles(); return lessFiles; } }; }
module.exports.lessSettings = lessSettings;