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Blames found: 13 Mode: php Binary: false

Hang on, we reloading big blames...
if (!isset($config)) { die("No configuration object provided."); }
$repositories = $config->get('git', 'repositories');
if (!is_array($repositories)) { # Convert the single item to an array - this is the internal handling $repositories = array($repositories);
} $tmp_arr = array();
foreach ($repositories as $repo) { $tmp = rtrim($repo, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $tmp_arr []= $tmp;
} $repositories = $tmp_arr;
// Startup and configure Silex application $app = new GitList\Application($config, __DIR__);
// Mount the controllers $app->mount('', new GitList\Controller\MainController()); $app->mount('', new GitList\Controller\BlobController()); $app->mount('', new GitList\Controller\CommitController()); $app->mount('', new GitList\Controller\TreeController());
return $app;