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Blames found: 58 Mode: php Binary: false

Hang on, we reloading big blames...
<?php /* * This file is part of the Gitter library. * * (c) Klaus Silveira <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Gitter\Model; use Gitter\Repository; use function Stringy\create; use Stringy\Stringy as S; class Tree extends Item implements \RecursiveIterator {
public $path = '';
protected $data; protected $position = 0; private $submodules = null; public function __construct($hash, Repository $repository) { $this->setHash($hash);
$pathArray = explode(":", $hash); if (isset($pathArray[1])) {
$this->path = str_replace("\"", "", $pathArray[1]);
} //exit;
$this->setRepository($repository); } public function parse() { $data = $this->getRepository()->getClient()->run($this->getRepository(), 'ls-tree -lz ' . $this->getHash()); $lines = explode("\0", $data); $files = array(); $root = array();
foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (empty($line)) { unset($lines[$key]); continue; }
$tabSplit = preg_split("/[\t]+/", $line, 2); $file = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $tabSplit[0], 4);
$file[] = $tabSplit[1]; $files[] = $file;
} foreach ($files as $file) {
// submodule if ($file[0] == '160000') { $submodules = $this->getSubmodules($files, $this->getHash()); if (strpos($this->getHash(), ':') === false) { $submoduleName = $file[4];
} else {
$submoduleName = str_replace('"', '', explode(':', $this->getHash())[1]) . "$file[4]"; } $shortHash = $this->getRepository()->getShortHash($file[2]); $tree = new Module; $tree->setMode($file[0]); $tree->setName($file[4]); $tree->setHash($file[2]); $tree->setShortHash($shortHash);
// echo $submoduleName;
// exit;
$url = $submodules["submodule $submoduleName"]['url']; if (preg_match('/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?\//i', $url)) { $s = S::create($url); if ($s->endsWith('.git')) { $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 4); } } $tree->setUrl($url);
$this->decorateItem($file[4], $tree);
$root[] = $tree; continue; } if ($file[0] == '120000') { $show = $this->getRepository()->getClient()->run($this->getRepository(), 'show ' . $file[2]); $tree = new Symlink; $tree->setMode($file[0]); $tree->setName($file[4]); $tree->setPath($show);
$this->decorateItem($file[4], $tree);
$root[] = $tree; continue; } if ($file[1] == 'blob') { $blob = new Blob($file[2], $this->getRepository()); $blob->setMode($file[0]); $blob->setName($file[4]); $blob->setSize($file[3]);
$this->decorateItem($file[4], $blob);
$root[] = $blob; continue; } $tree = new Tree($file[2], $this->getRepository());
$tree->setMode($file[0]); $tree->setName($file[4]);
$this->decorateItem($file[4], $tree);
$root[] = $tree; } $this->data = $root; }
private function getSubmodules($files, $hash) { if ($this->submodules === null) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file[4] === '.gitmodules') { $branch = $hash; $gitsubmodule = $this->getRepository()->getBlob("$branch:\"$file[4]\"")->output(); $this->submodules = parse_ini_string($gitsubmodule, true); } } if ($this->submodules === null && strpos($hash, ':') !== false) { // Search in root folder $data = $this->getRepository()->getClient()->run($this->getRepository(), 'ls-tree -lz ' . explode(':', $hash)[0]); $lines = explode("\0", $data); $rootFolderFiles = array(); $root = array(); foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (empty($line)) { unset($lines[$key]); continue; } $rootFolderFiles[] = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $line, 5); } $this->submodules = $this->getSubmodules($rootFolderFiles, explode(':', $hash)[0]); } } return $this->submodules; } public function decorateItem($filename, $item) { $command = 'log -1 --pretty=tformat:"%ar%n%s" ' . explode(':', $this->getHash())[0] . ' -- ' . "\"" . $this->path . $filename . "\""; //print_r($command);
//echo "\n";
$fileInfo = explode("\n", $this->getRepository()->getClient()->run($this->getRepository(), $command)); //echo $filename; //echo "\n"; //print_r($fileInfo); //echo "\n"; //echo "\n"; $item->setLastModified($fileInfo[0]); $item->message = $fileInfo[1]; }
public function output() { $files = $folders = array(); foreach ($this as $node) { if ($node instanceof Blob) { $file['type'] = 'blob'; $file['name'] = $node->getName(); $file['size'] = $node->getSize(); $file['mode'] = $node->getMode(); $file['hash'] = $node->getHash();
$file['lastModified'] = $node->getLastModified(); $file['message'] = $node->message;
$files[] = $file; continue; } if ($node instanceof Tree) { $folder['type'] = 'folder'; $folder['name'] = $node->getName(); $folder['size'] = ''; $folder['mode'] = $node->getMode(); $folder['hash'] = $node->getHash();
$folder['lastModified'] = $node->getLastModified(); $folder['message'] = $node->message;
$folders[] = $folder; continue; } if ($node instanceof Module) { $folder['type'] = 'module'; $folder['name'] = $node->getName(); $folder['size'] = ''; $folder['mode'] = $node->getMode(); $folder['hash'] = $node->getHash(); $folder['shortHash'] = $node->getShortHash(); $folder['url'] = $node->getUrl(); $folders[] = $folder;
$folder['lastModified'] = $node->getLastModified(); $folder['message'] = $node->message;
continue; } if ($node instanceof Symlink) { $folder['type'] = 'symlink'; $folder['name'] = $node->getName(); $folder['size'] = ''; $folder['mode'] = $node->getMode(); $folder['hash'] = ''; $folder['path'] = $node->getPath();
$folder['lastModified'] = $node->getLastModified(); $folder['message'] = $node->message;
$folders[] = $folder; } } // Little hack to make folders appear before files $files = array_merge($folders, $files); return $files; }
public function valid() { return isset($this->data[$this->position]); }
public function hasChildren() { return is_array($this->data[$this->position]); }
public function next() { $this->position++; }
public function current() { return $this->data[$this->position]; }
public function getChildren() { return $this->data[$this->position]; }
public function rewind() { $this->position = 0; }
public function key() { return $this->position; } public function isTree() { return true; }