// for each child,
// move upwards in <tr>s, beginning from the "commit" (not: child!)
// until the tr.data('theCommit') is thisChild.
// if there is one child only, stay on the commit's lane as long as possible,
// but if there is more than one child, switch to the child's lane ASAP.
// this is to display merges and forks where they happen (ie. at a commit node/ a dot), rather than
// "forking" from a line
var nRow = tableRow.prev('tr'),
// lineX holds the X position the line will be on while it's straight
lineLane = commit.lane;
if( commit.isFork ) {
lineLane = thisChild.lane;
// before iterating upwards as described above, the line part from the commit to the adequate lane
// must be drawn
getSvgLineString( commit.lane.centerX, cfg.rowHeight/2,
lineLane.centerX, 0) )
stroke: lineLane.color, "stroke-width": 2