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Hang on, we reloading big blames...
window.gitlist.isDark = (theme = window.gitlist.getActualTheme()) => { for (let i = 0; i < window.gitlist.dark.length; i++) { if (window.gitlist.dark[i] === theme) { return true; } } return false; } window.gitlist.getActualTheme = (theme = window.gitlist.getThemeCookie()) => { const actualTheme = theme.split('-')[1] return actualTheme; } window.gitlist.getActualThemeCodemirror = () => { if (window.gitlist.isDark(window.gitlist.getActualTheme())) { return window.gitlist.codemirrorTheme.dark; } else { return window.gitlist.codemirrorTheme.light; } } let currentTheme; let setTimeoutSwitch; window.gitlist.setTheme = () => { if (window.gitlist.$body === undefined) { setTimeout(() => { window.gitlist.setTheme() }) return; } const theme = window.gitlist.getActualTheme(); // console.log('theming', 'currenTheme', currentTheme, 'new theme', theme); if (theme === currentTheme) { // console.log('same theme') return; } const diffButtons = $(''); //console.log(diffButtons) for (let diffButton of diffButtons) {; } const switchThemeActually = () => { currentTheme = theme; /* const themeFragmentFileCodeMirror = (options) => { const { theme } = options for(let cm of window.gitlist.fragmentFileCodeMirror) { cm.setOption("theme", theme); } } */ let bodyAddClass let bodyRemoveClass let codeMirrorTheme if (window.gitlist.isDark(theme)) { bodyAddClass = 'p3x-gitlist-dark' bodyRemoveClass = 'p3x-gitlist-light' codeMirrorTheme = window.gitlist.codemirrorTheme.dark } else { bodyAddClass = 'p3x-gitlist-light' bodyRemoveClass = 'p3x-gitlist-dark' codeMirrorTheme = window.gitlist.codemirrorTheme.light } window.gitlist.$body.addClass(bodyAddClass) window.gitlist.$body.removeClass(bodyRemoveClass) if (gitlist.viewer !== undefined) { gitlist.viewer.setOption("theme", codeMirrorTheme); } if (gitlist.fragmentFileCodeMirror !== undefined) { gitlist.fragmentFileCodeMirror.setOption("theme", codeMirrorTheme); } window.gitlist.networkRedraw(); window.gitlist.treegraph(); // if (window.gitlist.lastloadSpan !== undefined && window.gitlist.lastloadSpan > 1000) { clearTimeout(setTimeoutSwitch) setTimeoutSwitch = setTimeout(() => { $('.p3x-gitlist-overlay').remove(); }, 250) } // console.log('p3x-gitlist switching theme') // } if (diffButtons.length > 0) { $.snackbar({ content: `We hid the shown diffs, to make the theme switching faster.`, timeout: window.gitlist.snapckbarLongTimeout, }); window.scrollTo(0, 0); setTimeout(switchThemeActually, 250) } else { switchThemeActually() } }