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# 🤖 P3X Gitlist - A decorated enhanced elegant, feature rich and modern private git ui repository viewer v2023.10.123
**Bugs are evident™ - MATRIX️**
# Description
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P3X Enhanced GitList is a fork of the klaussilveira Gitlist. What is different about is, that it requires/uses the latest PHP version, works with sub-modules. With big git repos/commits, it works with 64Mb memory (some Twig templates are removed and moved to the client and web workers - eg. huge diffs).
You will love it to work it on OpenWrt. Provides multiple themes with dark mode - 11 light and 5 dark. Code editor with syntax highlighting, editable files. All changes in the original fork are synced with the enhanced version. 100% responsive with Bootstrap 3. Latest Fontawesome for icons. The markdown engine uses Emojis with Twitter's Emojis. Besides, the commits and logs are parsed as Markdown and Emojis.
**Works on PHP 8.1**
**It works on CodeMirror 5**
## Beware
If you use other, than UTF-8 encoded files, you could get incorrect results, as it does not do converting, it only works with UTF-8.
# Live demo
# Releases
### NGINX gitlist.patrikx3.com configs
This is a complete config that uses NGINX, LETSENCRYPT (using https://acme.sh) and the **git-http-backend**.
This parse only the `public/index.php` file, no other PHP files, so that they are editable in `Decorated P3X GitList` as in the live demo.
## FYI
[Change log](change-log.md)
[Change breaking code](change-break.md)
# Development
To make it easier to develop Gitter and GitList, we unified the two code into one.