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Hang on, we reloading big blames...
describe('Repository commits page', () => { it('successfully loads', () => { cy.visit('/git-bare-repo/commits/master'); cy.get('.me-auto > [href="/git-bare-repo/commit/b064e711b341b3d160288cd121caf56811ca8991"]').should('have.text', 'Initial commit.'); }); it('view specific commit', () => { cy.visit('/git-bare-repo/commit/a003d30bc7a355f55bf28479e62134186bae1aed'); cy.get('.card-text').should('have.text', '\n Klaus Silveira commited on 2016-11-24 12:30:04\n Showing 1 changed files, with 44 additions and 173 deletions.\n '); cy.get(':nth-child(5) > .line > .delete').should('have.text', '-#define CREATE_TRACE_POINTS'); }); it('view parent commit', () => { cy.visit('/git-bare-repo/commit/a003d30bc7a355f55bf28479e62134186bae1aed'); cy.get(':nth-child(1) > .col-12 > .card > .card-header > .btn-group > .btn').click(); cy.get(':nth-child(1) > .col-12 > .card > .card-header').should('have.text', '\n Added mm.\n\n \n \n Parent 85e6568\n \n \n '); }); });