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"_readme": [ "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
"Read more about it at",
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"homepage": ""
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"description": "Symfony Process Component", "homepage": "",
"time": "2018-02-19 12:18:43"
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"name": "symfony/routing",
"version": "v3.4.6",
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"url": "",
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"shasum": "" }, "require": {
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"time": "2018-02-28 21:49:22"
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"version": "v4.0.6",
"source": { "type": "git",
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"twig/twig": "^1.35|^2.4.4"
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"symfony/polyfill-intl-icu": "~1.0",
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"symfony/expression-language": "For using the ExpressionExtension",
"symfony/finder": "",
"symfony/form": "For using the FormExtension", "symfony/http-kernel": "For using the HttpKernelExtension", "symfony/routing": "For using the RoutingExtension", "symfony/security": "For using the SecurityExtension", "symfony/stopwatch": "For using the StopwatchExtension", "symfony/templating": "For using the TwigEngine", "symfony/translation": "For using the TranslationExtension",
"symfony/var-dumper": "For using the DumpExtension",
"symfony/web-link": "For using the WebLinkExtension",
"symfony/yaml": "For using the YamlExtension"
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"time": "2017-04-03 13:19:02"
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"description": "Traverses array structures and object graphs to enumerate all referenced objects", "homepage": "",
"time": "2017-08-03 12:35:26"
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"description": "Allows reflection of object attributes, including inherited and non-public ones", "homepage": "",
"time": "2017-03-29 09:07:27"
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"time": "2018-01-03 07:38:00"
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"time": "2018-02-03 14:58:37"
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"description": "A small library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML and potentially other formats",
"time": "2017-04-07 12:08:54"
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"description": "Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.", "keywords": [ "assert", "check", "validate"
"time": "2018-01-29 19:49:41"
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