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Hang on, we reloading big blames...
<?php namespace GitList\Controller; use GitList\Git\Repository; use Gitter\Model\Commit\Commit; use Silex\Application; use Silex\ControllerProviderInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; class NetworkController implements ControllerProviderInterface { public function connect(Application $app) {
$route = $app['controllers_factory']; $route->get('{repo}/network/{commitishPath}/{page}.json', function ($repo, $commitishPath, $page) use ($app) { /** @var $repository Repository */ $repository = $app['git']->getRepositoryFromName($app['git.repos'], $repo); if ($commitishPath === null) { $commitishPath = $repository->getHead(); } $pager = $app['util.view']->getPager($page, $repository->getTotalCommits($commitishPath)); $commits = $repository->getPaginatedCommits($commitishPath, $pager['current']); $jsonFormattedCommits = array(); foreach ($commits as $commit) { $detailsUrl = $app['url_generator']->generate( 'commit', array( 'repo' => $repo, 'commit' => $commit->getHash() ) ); $jsonFormattedCommits[$commit->getHash()] = array( 'hash' => $commit->getHash(), 'parentsHash' => $commit->getParentsHash(), 'date' => $commit->getDate()->format('U'), 'message' => htmlentities($commit->getMessage()), 'details' => $detailsUrl, 'author' => array( 'name' => $commit->getAuthor()->getName(), 'email' => $commit->getAuthor()->getEmail(), // due to the lack of a inbuilt javascript md5 mechanism, build the full avatar url on the php side 'image' => '' . md5( strtolower($commit->getAuthor()->getEmail()) ) . '?s=40' ) ); } $nextPageUrl = null;
if ($pager['last'] !== $pager['current']) { $nextPageUrl = $app['url_generator']->generate( 'networkData', array( 'repo' => $repo, 'commitishPath' => $commitishPath, 'page' => $pager['next'] ) ); }
// when no commits are given, return an empty response - issue #369 if (count($commits) === 0) { return $app->json( array( 'repo' => $repo, 'commitishPath' => $commitishPath, 'nextPage' => null, 'start' => null, 'commits' => $jsonFormattedCommits ), 200 ); }
return $app->json( array( 'repo' => $repo, 'commitishPath' => $commitishPath, 'nextPage' => $nextPageUrl, 'start' => $commits[0]->getHash(), 'commits' => $jsonFormattedCommits ), 200 ); } )->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex()) ->assert('commitishPath', $app['util.routing']->getCommitishPathRegex()) ->value('commitishPath', null)
->convert('commitishPath', 'escaper.argument:escape')
->assert('page', '\d+') ->value('page', '0') ->bind('networkData'); $route->get( '{repo}/network/{commitishPath}', function ($repo, $commitishPath) use ($app) { $repository = $app['git']->getRepositoryFromName($app['git.repos'], $repo); if ($commitishPath === null) { $commitishPath = $repository->getHead(); } list($branch, $file) = $app['util.routing']->parseCommitishPathParam($commitishPath, $repo); list($branch, $file) = $app['util.repository']->extractRef($repository, $branch, $file); return $app['twig']->render( 'network.twig', array( 'repo' => $repo, 'branch' => $branch, 'commitishPath' => $commitishPath, ) ); } )->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex()) ->assert('commitishPath', $app['util.routing']->getCommitishPathRegex()) ->value('commitishPath', null)
->convert('commitishPath', 'escaper.argument:escape')
return $route; } }