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Blames found: 96 Mode: php Binary: false

Hang on, we reloading big blames...
<?php namespace GitList\Git; use Gitter\Repository as BaseRepository; use Gitter\Model\Commit\Commit;
use Gitter\Model\Commit\Diff;
use Gitter\PrettyFormat;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem; class Repository extends BaseRepository {
* Return true if the repo contains this commit.
* * @param $commitHash Hash of commit whose existence we want to check
* @return boolean Whether or not the commit exists in this repo
*/ public function hasCommit($commitHash) { $logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, "show $commitHash"); $logs = explode("\n", $logs); return strpos($logs[0], 'commit') === 0; }
/** * Get the current branch, returning a default value when HEAD is detached. */
public function getHead($default = NULL)
{ $client = $this->getClient(); return parent::getHead($client->getDefaultBranch()); }
/** * Show the data from a specific commit * * @param string $commitHash Hash of the specific commit to read data * @return array Commit data */ public function getCommit($commitHash) {
$logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, "show --pretty=format:\"<item><hash>%H</hash>" . "<short_hash>%h</short_hash><tree>%T</tree><parents>%P</parents>"
. "<author>%aN</author><author_email>%aE</author_email>" . "<date>%at</date><commiter>%cN</commiter><commiter_email>%cE</commiter_email>"
. "<commiter_date>%ct</commiter_date>"
. "<message><![CDATA[%s]]></message>" . "<body><![CDATA[%b]]></body>" . "</item>\" $commitHash" );
$xmlEnd = strpos($logs, '</item>') + 7; $commitInfo = substr($logs, 0, $xmlEnd); $commitData = substr($logs, $xmlEnd); $logs = explode("\n", $commitData);
// Read commit metadata $format = new PrettyFormat;
$data = $format->parse($commitInfo);
$commit = new Commit; $commit->importData($data[0]);
if ($commit->getParentsHash()) { $command = 'diff ' . $commitHash . '~1..' . $commitHash; $logs = explode("\n", $this->getClient()->run($this, $command));
} $commit->setDiffs($this->readDiffLogs($logs)); return $commit; }
/** * Blames the provided file and parses the output * * @param string $file File that will be blamed * @return array Commits hashes containing the lines */ public function getBlame($file) { $blame = array(); $logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, "blame --root -sl $file"); $logs = explode("\n", $logs); $i = 0; $previousCommit = ''; foreach ($logs as $log) { if ($log == '') { continue; } preg_match_all("/([a-zA-Z0-9]{40})\s+.*?([0-9]+)\)(.+)/", $log, $match); $currentCommit = $match[1][0]; if ($currentCommit != $previousCommit) { ++$i; $blame[$i] = array( 'line' => '', 'commit' => $currentCommit, 'commitShort' => substr($currentCommit, 0, 8) ); }
$blame[$i]['line'] .= $match[3][0] . PHP_EOL;
$previousCommit = $currentCommit; } return $blame; }
/** * Read diff logs and generate a collection of diffs *
* @param array $logs Array of log rows * @return array Array of diffs
*/ public function readDiffLogs(array $logs) { $diffs = array(); $lineNumOld = 0; $lineNumNew = 0; foreach ($logs as $log) {
# Skip empty lines if ($log == "") { continue; }
if ('diff' === substr($log, 0, 4)) { if (isset($diff)) { $diffs[] = $diff; } $diff = new Diff; if (preg_match('/^diff --[\S]+ a\/?(.+) b\/?/', $log, $name)) { $diff->setFile($name[1]); } continue; } if ('index' === substr($log, 0, 5)) { $diff->setIndex($log); continue; } if ('---' === substr($log, 0, 3)) { $diff->setOld($log); continue; } if ('+++' === substr($log, 0, 3)) { $diff->setNew($log); continue; } // Handle binary files properly. if ('Binary' === substr($log, 0, 6)) { $m = array(); if (preg_match('/Binary files (.+) and (.+) differ/', $log, $m)) { $diff->setOld($m[1]); $diff->setNew(" {$m[2]}"); } } if (!empty($log)) { switch ($log[0]) { case "@": // Set the line numbers
preg_match('/@@ -([0-9]+)(?:,[0-9]+)? \+([0-9]+)/', $log, $matches);
$lineNumOld = $matches[1] - 1;
$lineNumNew = $matches[2] - 1;
break; case "-": $lineNumOld++; break; case "+": $lineNumNew++; break; default: $lineNumOld++; $lineNumNew++; } } else { $lineNumOld++; $lineNumNew++; } if (isset($diff)) { $diff->addLine($log, $lineNumOld, $lineNumNew); } } if (isset($diff)) { $diffs[] = $diff; } return $diffs; }
/** * Show the repository commit log with pagination * * @access public
* @param string $file * @param int page
* @return array Commit log */ public function getPaginatedCommits($file = null, $page = 0) { $page = 15 * $page; $pager = "--skip=$page --max-count=15";
$command = "log $pager --pretty=format:\"<item><hash>%H</hash>"
. "<short_hash>%h</short_hash><tree>%T</tree><parents>%P</parents>"
. "<author>%aN</author><author_email>%aE</author_email>" . "<date>%at</date><commiter>%cN</commiter>" . "<commiter_email>%cE</commiter_email>"
. "<commiter_date>%ct</commiter_date>" . "<message><![CDATA[%s]]></message></item>\"";
if ($file) { $command .= " $file"; }
try { $logs = $this->getPrettyFormat($command); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return array(); }
foreach ($logs as $log) { $commit = new Commit; $commit->importData($log); $commits[] = $commit; } return $commits; }
public function searchCommitLog($query, $branch)
$query = escapeshellarg($query);
$query = strtr($query, array('[' => '\\[', ']' => '\\]'));
$command =
"log --grep={$query} -i --pretty=format:\"<item><hash>%H</hash>"
. "<short_hash>%h</short_hash><tree>%T</tree><parents>%P</parents>"
. "<author>%aN</author><author_email>%aE</author_email>" . "<date>%at</date><commiter>%cN</commiter>" . "<commiter_email>%cE</commiter_email>"
. "<commiter_date>%ct</commiter_date>"
. "<message><![CDATA[%s]]></message></item>\"" . " $branch";
try { $logs = $this->getPrettyFormat($command); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return array(); }
foreach ($logs as $log) { $commit = new Commit; $commit->importData($log); $commits[] = $commit; } return $commits; } public function searchTree($query, $branch) {
if(empty($query)) { return null; }
$query = escapeshellarg($query);
try {
$results = $this->getClient()->run($this, "grep -i --line-number {$query} $branch");
} catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return false; } $results = explode("\n", $results); foreach ($results as $result) { if ($result == '') { continue; }
preg_match_all('/([\w-._]+):([^:]+):([0-9]+):(.+)/', $result, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$data['branch'] = $matches[0][1];
$data['file'] = $matches[0][2]; $data['line'] = $matches[0][3]; $data['match'] = $matches[0][4];
$searchResults[] = $data; } return $searchResults; }
public function getAuthorStatistics($branch)
$logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'log --pretty=format:"%aN||%aE" ' . $branch);
if (empty($logs)) { throw new \RuntimeException('No statistics available'); } $logs = explode("\n", $logs); $logs = array_count_values($logs); arsort($logs); foreach ($logs as $user => $count) { $user = explode('||', $user); $data[] = array('name' => $user[0], 'email' => $user[1], 'commits' => $count); } return $data; } public function getStatistics($branch) { // Calculate amount of files, extensions and file size $logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'ls-tree -r -l ' . $branch); $lines = explode("\n", $logs); $files = array(); $data['extensions'] = array(); $data['size'] = 0; $data['files'] = 0; foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (empty($line)) { unset($lines[$key]); continue; } $files[] = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $line); } foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file[1] == 'blob') { $data['files']++; } if (is_numeric($file[3])) { $data['size'] += $file[3]; }
$logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'ls-tree -l -r --name-only ' . $branch); $files = explode("\n", $logs); foreach ($files as $file) { if (($pos = strrpos($file, '.')) !== false) { $extension = substr($file, $pos);
if (($pos = strrpos($extension, '/')) === false) { $data['extensions'][] = $extension; }
} } $data['extensions'] = array_count_values($data['extensions']); arsort($data['extensions']); return $data; } /** * Create a TAR or ZIP archive of a git tree * * @param string $tree Tree-ish reference * @param string $output Output File name * @param string $format Archive format */ public function createArchive($tree, $output, $format = 'zip') { $fs = new Filesystem; $fs->mkdir(dirname($output));
$this->getClient()->run($this, "archive --format=$format --output='$output' $tree");
* Return true if $path exists in $branch; return false otherwise.
* * @param string $commitish Commitish reference; branch, tag, SHA1, etc.
* @param string $path Path whose existence we want to verify.
* @return bool
* * GRIPE Arguably belongs in Gitter, as it's generally useful functionality. * Also, this really may not be the best way to do this. */
public function pathExists($commitish, $path) {
$output = $this->getClient()->run($this, "ls-tree $commitish '$path'");
if (strlen($output) > 0) {
return true;
return false;