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<?php /* * This file is part of the Silex framework. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace Silex\Tests; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Silex\Application; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse; /** * Router test cases. * * @author Igor Wiedler <> */ class RouterTest extends TestCase { public function testMapRouting() { $app = new Application(); $app->match('/foo', function () { return 'foo'; }); $app->match('/bar', function () { return 'bar'; }); $app->match('/', function () { return 'root'; }); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/foo', 'foo'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/bar', 'bar'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/', 'root'); } public function testStatusCode() { $app = new Application(); $app->put('/created', function () { return new Response('', 201); }); $app->match('/forbidden', function () { return new Response('', 403); }); $app->match('/not_found', function () { return new Response('', 404); }); $request = Request::create('/created', 'put'); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertEquals(201, $response->getStatusCode()); $request = Request::create('/forbidden'); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertEquals(403, $response->getStatusCode()); $request = Request::create('/not_found'); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertEquals(404, $response->getStatusCode()); } public function testRedirect() { $app = new Application(); $app->match('/redirect', function () { return new RedirectResponse('/target'); }); $app->match('/redirect2', function () use ($app) { return $app->redirect('/target2'); }); $request = Request::create('/redirect'); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertTrue($response->isRedirect('/target')); $request = Request::create('/redirect2'); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertTrue($response->isRedirect('/target2')); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException */ public function testMissingRoute() { $app = new Application(); unset($app['exception_handler']); $request = Request::create('/baz'); $app->handle($request); } public function testMethodRouting() { $app = new Application(); $app->match('/foo', function () { return 'foo'; }); $app->match('/bar', function () { return 'bar'; })->method('GET|POST'); $app->get('/resource', function () { return 'get resource'; }); $app->post('/resource', function () { return 'post resource'; }); $app->put('/resource', function () { return 'put resource'; }); $app->patch('/resource', function () { return 'patch resource'; }); $app->delete('/resource', function () { return 'delete resource'; }); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/foo', 'foo'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/bar', 'bar'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/bar', 'bar', 'post'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/resource', 'get resource'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/resource', 'post resource', 'post'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/resource', 'put resource', 'put'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/resource', 'patch resource', 'patch'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/resource', 'delete resource', 'delete'); } public function testRequestShouldBeStoredRegardlessOfRouting() { $app = new Application(); $app->get('/foo', function (Request $request) use ($app) { return new Response($request->getRequestUri()); }); $app->error(function ($e, Request $request, $code) use ($app) { return new Response($request->getRequestUri()); }); foreach (['/foo', '/bar'] as $path) { $request = Request::create($path); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertContains($path, $response->getContent()); } } public function testTrailingSlashBehavior() { $app = new Application(); $app->get('/foo/', function () use ($app) { return new Response('ok'); }); $request = Request::create('/foo'); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertEquals(301, $response->getStatusCode()); $this->assertEquals('/foo/', $response->getTargetUrl()); } public function testHostSpecification() { $route = new \Silex\Route(); $this->assertSame($route, $route->host('{locale}')); $this->assertEquals('{locale}', $route->getHost()); } public function testRequireHttpRedirect() { $app = new Application(); $app->match('/secured', function () { return 'secured content'; }) ->requireHttp(); $request = Request::create(''); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertTrue($response->isRedirect('')); } public function testRequireHttpsRedirect() { $app = new Application(); $app->match('/secured', function () { return 'secured content'; }) ->requireHttps(); $request = Request::create(''); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertTrue($response->isRedirect('')); } public function testRequireHttpsRedirectIncludesQueryString() { $app = new Application(); $app->match('/secured', function () { return 'secured content'; }) ->requireHttps(); $request = Request::create(''); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertTrue($response->isRedirect('')); } public function testConditionOnRoute() { $app = new Application(); $app->match('/secured', function () { return 'secured content'; }) ->when('request.isSecure() == true'); $request = Request::create(''); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertEquals(404, $response->getStatusCode()); } public function testClassNameControllerSyntax() { $app = new Application(); $app->get('/foo', 'Silex\Tests\MyController::getFoo'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/foo', 'foo'); } public function testClassNameControllerSyntaxWithStaticMethod() { $app = new Application(); $app->get('/bar', 'Silex\Tests\MyController::getBar'); $this->checkRouteResponse($app, '/bar', 'bar'); } protected function checkRouteResponse(Application $app, $path, $expectedContent, $method = 'get', $message = null) { $request = Request::create($path, $method); $response = $app->handle($request); $this->assertEquals($expectedContent, $response->getContent(), $message); } } class MyController { public function getFoo() { return 'foo'; } public static function getBar() { return 'bar'; } }