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Cookbook ======== The cookbook section contains recipes for solving specific problems. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: json_request_body session_storage form_no_csrf validator_yaml sub_requests error_handler multiple_loggers guard_authentication Recipes ------- * :doc:`Accepting a JSON Request Body <json_request_body>` A common need when building a restful API is the ability to accept a JSON encoded entity from the request body. * :doc:`Using PdoSessionStorage to store Sessions in the Database <session_storage>`. * :doc:`Disabling the CSRF Protection on a Form using the FormExtension <form_no_csrf>`. * :doc:`Using YAML to configure Validation <validator_yaml>`. * :doc:`Making sub-Requests <sub_requests>`. * :doc:`Converting Errors to Exceptions <error_handler>`. * :doc:`Using multiple Monolog Loggers <multiple_loggers>`. * :doc:`How to Create a Custom Authentication System with Guard <guard_authentication>`.