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Hang on, we reloading big blames...
<?php namespace GitList\Controller; use Silex\Application; use Silex\ControllerProviderInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class TreeController implements ControllerProviderInterface { public function connect(Application $app) { $route = $app['controllers_factory'];
$route->get('{repo}/tree/{commitishPath}/', $treeController = function ($repo, $commitishPath = '') use ($app) {
$repository = $app['git']->getRepository($app['git.repos'], $repo);
if (!$commitishPath) { $commitishPath = $repository->getHead();
list($branch, $tree) = $app['util.routing']->parseCommitishPathParam($commitishPath, $repo);
list($branch, $tree) = $app['util.repository']->extractRef($repository, $branch, $tree);
$files = $repository->getTree($tree ? "$branch:\"$tree\"/" : $branch);
$breadcrumbs = $app['util.view']->getBreadcrumbs($tree); $parent = null; if (($slash = strrpos($tree, '/')) !== false) { $parent = substr($tree, 0, $slash); } elseif (!empty($tree)) { $parent = ''; } return $app['twig']->render('tree.twig', array( 'files' => $files->output(), 'repo' => $repo, 'branch' => $branch, 'path' => $tree ? $tree . '/' : $tree, 'parent' => $parent, 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'branches' => $repository->getBranches(), 'tags' => $repository->getTags(),
'readme' => $app['util.repository']->getReadme($repository, $branch),
})->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())
->assert('commitishPath', $app['util.routing']->getCommitishPathRegex())
$route->post('{repo}/tree/{branch}/search', function (Request $request, $repo, $branch = '', $tree = '') use ($app) {
$repository = $app['git']->getRepository($app['git.repos'], $repo);
if (!$branch) { $branch = $repository->getHead(); }
$query = $request->get('query'); $breadcrumbs = array(array('dir' => 'Search results for: ' . $query, 'path' => '')); $results = $repository->searchTree($query, $branch);
return $app['twig']->render('search.twig', array( 'results' => $results, 'repo' => $repo, 'branch' => $branch, 'path' => $tree, 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'branches' => $repository->getBranches(), 'tags' => $repository->getTags(), ));
})->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())
->assert('branch', $app['util.routing']->getBranchRegex())
# Intentionally before next statement, because order appears # to be important, and the other statement got precedence previously.
$route->get('{repo}/{format}ball/{branch}', function($repo, $format, $branch) use ($app) {
$repository = $app['git']->getRepository($app['git.repos'], $repo);
$tree = $repository->getBranchTree($branch); if (false === $tree) { return $app->abort(404, 'Invalid commit or tree reference: ' . $branch); } $file = $app['cache.archives'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $repo . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($tree, 0, 2) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($tree, 2) . '.' . $format; if (!file_exists($file)) { $repository->createArchive($tree, $file, $format); } return new StreamedResponse(function () use ($file) { readfile($file); }, 200, array( 'Content-type' => ('zip' === $format) ? 'application/zip' : 'application/x-tar', 'Content-Description' => 'File Transfer', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="'.$repo.'-'.substr($tree, 0, 6).'.'.$format.'"', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', )); })->assert('format', '(zip|tar)')
->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())
->assert('branch', $app['util.routing']->getBranchRegex())
$route->get('{repo}/{branch}/', function($repo, $branch) use ($app, $treeController) { return $treeController($repo, $branch); })->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())
->assert('branch', $app['util.routing']->getBranchRegex())
->bind('branch'); $route->get('{repo}/', function($repo) use ($app, $treeController) { return $treeController($repo); })->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex()) ->bind('repository');
return $route; }