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Hang on, we reloading big blames...
namespace GitList\Component\Git;
use GitList\Component\Git\Commit\Commit; use GitList\Component\Git\Model\Tree; use GitList\Component\Git\Model\Blob; use GitList\Component\Git\Model\Diff;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
class Repository { protected $path; protected $client; public function __construct($path, Client $client) { $this->setPath($path); $this->setClient($client); } public function setClient(Client $client) { $this->client = $client; } public function getClient() { return $this->client; } public function create() { mkdir($this->getPath()); $this->getClient()->run($this, 'init'); return $this; } public function getConfig($key) { $key = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'config ' . $key);
return trim($key); } public function setConfig($key, $value) { $this->getClient()->run($this, "config $key \"$value\""); return $this; }
/** * Add untracked files
* @access public * @param mixed $files Files to be added to the repository */ public function add($files = '.') {
if (is_array($files)) {
$files = implode(' ', $files); }
$this->getClient()->run($this, "add $files"); return $this; } /** * Add all untracked files
* @access public */ public function addAll() { $this->getClient()->run($this, "add -A"); return $this; }
/** * Commit changes to the repository
* @access public * @param string $message Description of the changes made */ public function commit($message) { $this->getClient()->run($this, "commit -m '$message'"); return $this; }
/** * Checkout a branch
* @access public * @param string $branch Branch to be checked out */ public function checkout($branch) { $this->getClient()->run($this, "checkout $branch"); return $this; } /** * Pull repository changes
* @access public */ public function pull() { $this->getClient()->run($this, "pull"); return $this; }
/** * Update remote references
* @access public * @param string $repository Repository to be pushed
* @param string $refspec Refspec for the push
*/ public function push($repository = null, $refspec = null) { $command = "push";
if ($repository) {
$command .= " $repository";
} if ($refspec) {
$command .= " $refspec"; }
$this->getClient()->run($this, $command); return $this; }
/** * Show a list of the repository branches
* @access public * @return array List of branches */ public function getBranches() { $branches = $this->getClient()->run($this, "branch"); $branches = explode("\n", $branches); $branches = array_filter(preg_replace('/[\*\s]/', '', $branches));
return $branches; }
/** * Show the current repository branch
* @access public * @return string Current repository branch */ public function getCurrentBranch() { $branches = $this->getClient()->run($this, "branch"); $branches = explode("\n", $branches);
foreach ($branches as $branch) { if ($branch[0] == '*') {
return substr($branch, 2); } } }
/** * Check if a specified branch exists
* @access public
* @param string $branch Branch to be checked
* @return boolean True if the branch exists */ public function hasBranch($branch) { $branches = $this->getBranches(); $status = in_array($branch, $branches);
return $status; } /** * Create a new repository branch
* @access public * @param string $branch Branch name */ public function createBranch($branch) { $this->getClient()->run($this, "branch $branch"); }
/** * Show a list of the repository tags
* @access public * @return array List of tags */ public function getTags() { $tags = $this->getClient()->run($this, "tag"); $tags = explode("\n", $tags); if (empty($tags[0])) { return NULL; }
return $tags; }
/** * Show the amount of commits on the repository
* @access public * @return integer Total number of commits */
public function getTotalCommits($file = null)
$command = "rev-list --all";
if ($file) { $command .= " $file"; }
$command .= " | wc -l";
$commits = $this->getClient()->run($this, $command);
return $commits; }
/** * Show the repository commit log
* @access public * @return array Commit log */
public function getCommits($file = null, $page = 0)
$page = 15 * $page; $pager = "--skip=$page --max-count=15"; $command = 'log ' . $pager . ' --pretty=format:\'"%h": {"hash": "%H", "short_hash": "%h", "tree": "%T", "parent": "%P", "author": "%an", "author_email": "%ae", "date": "%at", "commiter": "%cn", "commiter_email": "%ce", "commiter_date": "%ct", "message": "%f"}\'';
if ($file) { $command .= " $file"; } $logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, $command);
if (empty($logs)) { throw new \RuntimeException('No commit log available'); }
$logs = str_replace("\n", ',', $logs); $logs = json_decode("{ $logs }", true); foreach ($logs as $log) { $log['message'] = str_replace('-', ' ', $log['message']); $commit = new Commit; $commit->importData($log); $commits[] = $commit; } return $commits; } public function getRelatedCommits($hash) { $logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'log --pretty=format:\'"%h": {"hash": "%H", "short_hash": "%h", "tree": "%T", "parent": "%P", "author": "%an", "author_email": "%ae", "date": "%at", "commiter": "%cn", "commiter_email": "%ce", "commiter_date": "%ct", "message": "%f"}\'');
if (empty($logs)) { throw new \RuntimeException('No commit log available'); }
$logs = str_replace("\n", ',', $logs); $logs = json_decode("{ $logs }", true); foreach ($logs as $log) { $log['message'] = str_replace('-', ' ', $log['message']); $logTree = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'diff-tree -t -r ' . $log['hash']); $lines = explode("\n", $logTree); array_shift($lines); $files = array(); foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (empty($line)) { unset($lines[$key]); continue; } $files[] = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $line); } // Now let's find the commits who have our hash within them foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file[1] == 'commit') { continue; } if ($file[3] == $hash) { $commit = new Commit; $commit->importData($log); $commits[] = $commit; break; } } } return $commits; }
public function getCommit($commitHash)
$logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'show --pretty=format:\'{"hash": "%H", "short_hash": "%h", "tree": "%T", "parent": "%P", "author": "%an", "author_email": "%ae", "date": "%at", "commiter": "%cn", "commiter_email": "%ce", "commiter_date": "%ct", "message": "%f"}\' ' . $commitHash);
if (empty($logs)) { throw new \RuntimeException('No commit log available'); }
$logs = explode("\n", $logs); // Read commit metadata $data = json_decode($logs[0], true); $data['message'] = str_replace('-', ' ', $data['message']); $commit = new Commit; $commit->importData($data); unset($logs[0]);
if (empty($logs[1])) {
$logs = explode("\n", $this->getClient()->run($this, 'diff '.$commitHash.'~1..'.$commitHash));
// Read diff logs
$lineNumOld = 0; $lineNumNew = 0;
foreach ($logs as $log) { if ('diff' === substr($log, 0, 4)) { if (isset($diff)) { $diffs[] = $diff; } $diff = new Diff;
preg_match('/^diff --[\S]+ (a\/)?([\S]+)( b\/)?/', $log, $name); $diff->setFile($name[2]);
continue; } if ('index' === substr($log, 0, 5)) { $diff->setIndex($log); continue; } if ('---' === substr($log, 0, 3)) { $diff->setOld($log); continue; } if ('+++' === substr($log, 0, 3)) { $diff->setNew($log); continue; }
// Handle binary files properly. if ('Binary' === substr($log, 0, 6)) { $m = array(); if (preg_match('/Binary files (.+) and (.+) differ/', $log, $m)) { $diff->setOld($m[1]); $diff->setNew(" {$m[2]}"); } }
if (!empty($log)) { switch ($log[0]) { case "@": // Set the line numbers preg_match('/@@ -([0-9]+)/', $log, $matches); $lineNumOld = $matches[1] - 1; $lineNumNew = $matches[1] - 1; break; case "-": $lineNumOld++; break; case "+": $lineNumNew++; break; default: $lineNumOld++; $lineNumNew++; } } else { $lineNumOld++; $lineNumNew++; } $diff->addLine($log, $lineNumOld, $lineNumNew);
} if (isset($diff)) { $diffs[] = $diff; } $commit->setDiffs($diffs); return $commit; } public function getAuthorStatistics() {
$logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'log --pretty=format:\'%an||%ae\' ' . $this->getHead());
if (empty($logs)) { throw new \RuntimeException('No statistics available'); }
$logs = explode("\n", $logs); $logs = array_count_values($logs); arsort($logs); foreach ($logs as $user => $count) { $user = explode('||', $user);
$data[] = array('name' => $user[0], 'email' => $user[1], 'commits' => $count);
return $data; }
/** * Get the current HEAD. * * @return string the name of the HEAD branch. */ public function getHead() {
if (file_exists($this->getPath() . '/.git/HEAD')) { $file = @file_get_contents($this->getPath() . '/.git/HEAD');
} elseif (file_exists($this->getPath() . '/HEAD')) {
$file = @file_get_contents($this->getPath() . '/HEAD');
} else {
return 'master';
// Find first existing branch
foreach (explode("\n", $file) as $line) { $m = array(); if (preg_match('#ref:\srefs/heads/(.+)#', $line, $m)) {
if ($this->hasBranch($m[1])) { return $m[1]; }
} } // Default to something sane if in a detached HEAD state.
$branches = $this->getBranches(); if (!empty($branches)) { return current($branches); }
return 'master'; }
public function getStatistics($branch) { // Calculate amount of files, extensions and file size $logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, 'ls-tree -r -l ' . $branch); $lines = explode("\n", $logs); $files = array(); $data['extensions'] = array(); $data['size'] = 0; $data['files'] = 0; foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (empty($line)) { unset($lines[$key]); continue; } $files[] = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $line); } foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file[1] == 'blob') { $data['files']++; } if (is_numeric($file[3])) { $data['size'] += $file[3]; } if (($pos = strrpos($file[4], '.')) !== FALSE) { $data['extensions'][] = substr($file[4], $pos); } } $data['extensions'] = array_count_values($data['extensions']); arsort($data['extensions']); return $data; }
/** * Extract the tree hash for a given branch or tree reference *
* @param string $branch
* @return string */ public function getBranchTree($branch) {
$hash = $this->getClient()->run($this, "log --pretty='%T' --max-count=1 $branch");
$hash = trim($hash, "\r\n "); return $hash ? : false; } /** * Create a TAR or ZIP archive of a git tree * * @param string $tree Tree-ish reference * @param string $output Output File name * @param string $format Archive format */ public function createArchive($tree, $output, $format = 'zip') {
$fs = new Filesystem; $fs->mkdir(dirname($output));
$this->getClient()->run($this, "archive --format=$format --output=$output $tree"); }
/** * Get the Tree for the provided folder
* * @param string $tree Folder that will be parsed * @return Tree Instance of Tree for the provided folder
*/ public function getTree($tree) { $tree = new Tree($tree, $this->getClient(), $this); $tree->parse();
return $tree; } /** * Get the Blob for the provided file
* * @param string $blob File that will be parsed * @return Blob Instance of Blob for the provided file
*/ public function getBlob($blob) { return new Blob($blob, $this->getClient(), $this); } /** * Blames the provided file and parses the output
* * @param string $file File that will be blamed * @return array Commits hashes containing the lines
*/ public function getBlame($file) {
$blame = array();
$logs = $this->getClient()->run($this, "blame -s $file"); $logs = explode("\n", $logs);
$i = 0; $previous_commit = '';
foreach ($logs as $log) { if ($log == '') { continue; }
preg_match_all("/([a-zA-Z0-9^]{8})\s+.*?([0-9]+)\)(.+)/", $log, $match);
$current_commit = $match[1][0]; if ($current_commit != $previous_commit) { ++$i; $blame[$i] = array('line' => '', 'commit' => $current_commit);
$blame[$i]['line'] .= PHP_EOL . $match[3][0];
$previous_commit = $current_commit;
} return $blame; } /** * Get the current Repository path
* @return string Path where the repository is located */ public function getPath() { return $this->path; } /** * Set the current Repository path
* @param string $path Path where the repository is located */ public function setPath($path) { $this->path = $path; } }