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<?php namespace Application;
use Silex\Application;
/** * General helper class, mostly used for string parsing inside the application controllers */ class Utils {
protected $app; public function __construct(Application $app) { $this->app = $app; }
/** * Builds a breadcrumb array based on a path spec * * @param string $spec Path spec * @return array Array with parts of the breadcrumb */ public function getBreadcrumbs($spec) {
if (!$spec) { return array(); }
$paths = explode('/', $spec);
foreach ($paths as $i => $path) { $breadcrumbs[] = array( 'dir' => $path, 'path' => implode('/', array_slice($paths, 0, $i + 1)), );
} return $breadcrumbs; } /** * Returns the file type based on filename by treating the extension * * The file type is used by CodeMirror, a Javascript-based IDE implemented in * GitList, to properly highlight the blob syntax (if it's a source-code) * * @param string $spec File name * @return string File type */ public function getFileType($file) { if (($pos = strrpos($file, '.')) !== FALSE) { $fileType = substr($file, $pos + 1); } else { return 'text'; } switch ($fileType) { case 'php': return 'php'; case 'c': return 'clike'; case 'h': return 'clike'; case 'cpp': return 'clike'; case 'cs':
return 'csharp';
case 'm': return 'clike'; case 'mm': return 'clike'; case 'java':
return 'java';
case 'clj': return 'clojure'; case 'coffee': return 'coffeescript'; case 'css': return 'css'; case 'diff': return 'diff'; case 'ecl': return 'ecl'; case 'el': return 'erlang'; case 'go': return 'go'; case 'groovy': return 'groovy'; case 'hs': return 'haskell'; case 'lhs': return 'haskell'; case 'jsp': return 'htmlembedded'; case 'asp': return 'htmlembedded'; case 'aspx': return 'htmlembedded'; case 'html': return 'htmlmixed'; case 'tpl': return 'htmlmixed'; case 'js': return 'javascript'; case 'json': return 'javascript'; case 'less': return 'less'; case 'lua': return 'lua'; case 'md': return 'markdown'; case 'markdown': return 'markdown'; case 'sql': return 'mysql'; case 'pl': return 'perl'; case 'pm': return 'perl'; case 'pas': return 'pascal'; case 'ini': return 'properties'; case 'cfg': return 'properties'; case 'nt': return 'ntriples'; case 'py': return 'python'; case 'rb': return 'ruby'; case 'rst': return 'rst'; case 'r': return 'r'; case 'sh': return 'shell'; case 'ss': return 'scheme'; case 'scm': return 'scheme'; case 'sls': return 'scheme'; case 'sps': return 'scheme'; case 'rs': return 'rust'; case 'st': return 'smalltalk'; case 'tex': return 'stex'; case 'vbs': return 'vbscript'; case 'v': return 'verilog'; case 'xml': return 'xml'; case 'xsd': return 'xml'; case 'xsl': return 'xml'; case 'xul': return 'xml'; case 'xlf': return 'xml'; case 'xliff': return 'xml'; case 'xaml': return 'xml'; case 'wxs': return 'xml'; case 'wxl': return 'xml'; case 'wxi': return 'xml'; case 'wsdl': return 'xml'; case 'svg': return 'xml'; case 'rss': return 'xml'; case 'rdf': return 'xml'; case 'plist': return 'xml'; case 'mxml': return 'xml'; case 'kml': return 'xml'; case 'glade': return 'xml'; case 'xq': return 'xquery'; case 'xqm': return 'xquery'; case 'xquery': return 'xquery'; case 'xqy': return 'xquery'; case 'yml': return 'yaml'; case 'yaml': return 'yaml';
case 'png': return 'image'; case 'jpg': return 'image'; case 'gif': return 'image'; case 'jpeg': return 'image'; case 'bmp': return 'image';
} if (!empty($this->app['filetypes'])) { foreach ($this->app['filetypes'] as $ext => $type) { if ($fileType == $ext) { return $type; } }
} }
public function getPager($pageNumber, $totalCommits) { $pageNumber = (empty($pageNumber)) ? 0 : $pageNumber; $lastPage = intval($totalCommits / 15); // If total commits are integral multiple of 15, the lastPage will be commits/15 - 1. $lastPage = ($lastPage * 15 == $totalCommits) ? $lastPage - 1 : $lastPage; $nextPage = $pageNumber + 1; $previousPage = $pageNumber - 1; return array('current' => $pageNumber, 'next' => $nextPage, 'previous' => $previousPage, 'last' => $lastPage, 'total' => $totalCommits, ); }
public function getReadme($repo, $branch = 'master') { $repository = $this->app['git']->getRepository($this->app['git.repos'] . $repo);
$files = $repository->getTree($branch)->output();
foreach ($files as $fileInfo)
if (preg_match('/^readme*/i', $fileInfo['name'])) { return array('filename' => $fileInfo['name'], 'content' => $repository->getBlob("$branch:'".$fileInfo['name']."'")->output());
} return array(); }