### v2.10
* Display SVG files, while you can edit it as well
* The network dots were small, now big ones with 10 radius, 20px;
* Delete files
* grunt-contrib-less - 2 is missing the `@path` variable
* add change log display
### v2.9
* The tree search and the blames are using the shared code (with option to use with Code mirror)
* Diffs are rendering with web workers.
* Minor typo on the next/older commit page
* Synched to klaussilveira/gitlist
* Added twemoji to the commits list
* Memory limit
* Updated NPM and composer
* The Gitter is merged into Gitlist to code easier
* The pager was not working with the browser back function
* The commit message is using markdown
### v1.1.18-573
* for big commits and changing the theme, it calculated the time it was loading the full commit list and it is about the same time when you change the theme, it added an overlay and this text eg. `9 seconds to switch the theme`
### v1.1.6
* All `PHP` files will be in the `root` and only `index.php`, `images`, `icons`, `svg`, `css`, `js`bundle files will be in the `public` subdir.
### v1.1.5
* Removed old `clone` button modal popup, using `Bootstrap` only
* Double checked, all is using pure `Boostrap`
* Added `toast` and save the `url` to the clipboard when you click on the `clone` button
* Format size was missing space (ugly)
* Graph time was not using the ```config.ini```
* Fixed images to not show a html block span text and use now real image alt and title attributes in html
### v1.0.3
* Total bytes was not working with Twig 2
### v1.0.2
* Add support for .gitmodules files at repository root
* Updated to latest dependencies
### v1.0.1
* The minimum PHP version is 7.1 and PHPUNIT 7.
### v1.0.0
* Works with ```PHP 7.2```
### v0.5.6
* The Markdown image links were not working.
* Missed out the ```package.json``` from the previous release.
### v0.5.5
* Fixed PHPUNIT 6
### v0.5.4
* Different submodule links for Gitlist and Github
### v0.5.3
* The markdown links are working right
* Shows submodules
### v0.5.2
* Added all Bootsswatch themes (https://bootswatch.com/)
* Removed default theme, kept only Bootstrap (though like over 10 themes now)
* Removed PHP 5 support, only >= 7
* Upgraded Silex v1 to v2
* Upgraded Twig v1 to v2
* Upgraded Symfony/twig-bridge v2 to v3
* Upgraded Symfony/filesystem v2 to v3
* Upgraded Phpunit v4 to v6
* Moved from Showdown to Marked (more features)
* For building requires (not required for the server):
* NodeJs >= 8.9.0
* Bower
* Grunt
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