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import {Inject, Injectable, Optional} from '@angular/core';
import { HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import {Observable, of} from 'rxjs'; import * as hash from 'object-hash' import {tap} from "rxjs/operators";
import {CachingHeaders} from "./caching-headers.enum"; import {CachingStore} from "./caching-store.enum"; import {P3X_HTTP_CACHE_CONFIG} from "./http-cache-config.token"; import {HttpCacheConfig} from "./http-cache-config";
const hashOptions = { algorithm: 'md5', encoding: 'hex' }
const globalCache = new Map<string, any>()
@Injectable() export class HttpCacheInterceptorInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
private cachedData = new Map<string, any>()
httpCacheConfig : HttpCacheConfig = { behavior: CachingHeaders.Cache, store: CachingStore.Global, } getCache(key: string) { if ( === CachingStore.Global) { return globalCache.get(key) } else { return this.cachedData.get(key) } } setCache(key: string, value: any) { if ( === CachingStore.Global) { globalCache.set(key, value) } else { this.cachedData.set(key, value) } } constructor(@Inject(P3X_HTTP_CACHE_CONFIG) @Optional() httpCacheConfigToken: HttpCacheConfig) { if (httpCacheConfigToken) { this.httpCacheConfig = httpCacheConfigToken } }
httpToKey(httpRequest: HttpRequest<any>) {
const body = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(httpRequest.body)) const key = httpRequest.method + '@' + httpRequest.urlWithParams + '@' + hash(httpRequest.params, hashOptions) + '@' + hash(body, hashOptions)
return key } intercept(httpRequest: HttpRequest<unknown>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<unknown>> {
//console.log(httpRequest) //console.log('has', httpRequest.headers.has(CachingHeaders.NoCache)) //console.log('value', httpRequest.headers.get(CachingHeaders.NoCache))
const forcedCache = httpRequest.headers.get(CachingHeaders.Cache) !== null const forcedNoneCache = httpRequest.headers.get(CachingHeaders.NoCache) !== null //console.log('forcedCache', forcedCache, 'forcedNoneCache', forcedNoneCache) let headers = httpRequest.headers.delete(CachingHeaders.NoCache) headers = headers.delete(CachingHeaders.Cache) httpRequest = httpRequest.clone({ headers: headers }) if (forcedCache && forcedNoneCache) { throw new Error('You cannot use cache and non-cache header at once!') } else if (forcedNoneCache || (this.httpCacheConfig.behavior === CachingHeaders.NoCache && !forcedCache)) { return next.handle(httpRequest); } else if (forcedCache || (this.httpCacheConfig.behavior === CachingHeaders.Cache && !forcedNoneCache)) { // Checked if there is cached data for this URI const key = this.httpToKey(httpRequest) const lastResponse = this.getCache(key); if (lastResponse) { // In case of parallel requests to same URI, // return the request already in progress // otherwise return the last cached data //'http cache interceptor hit cache', key) return (lastResponse instanceof Observable) ? lastResponse : of(lastResponse.clone()); } //'http cache interceptor', key) // If the request of going through for first time // then let the request proceed and cache the response const requestHandle = next.handle(httpRequest).pipe( tap((stateEvent: any) => { if (stateEvent instanceof HttpResponse) { this.setCache( key, stateEvent.clone() ); } }) ) // Meanwhile cache the request Observable to handle parallel request //this.cachedData.set(key, requestHandle); return requestHandle; } else { console.error(this.httpCacheConfig) console.error(httpRequest.headers) throw new Error('There is a configuration in your setup')
} /* // Also leave scope of resetting already cached data for a URI if (httpRequest.headers.get("reset-cache")) { this.cachedData.delete(httpRequest.urlWithParams); } */
} }