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import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import {MatSnackBar, MatSnackBarConfig} from "@angular/material/snack-bar";
import { CachingHeaders} from "../../../../projects/angular-http-cache-interceptor/src/lib/caching-headers.enum";
import { MatDividerModule } from '@angular/material/divider'; import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button';
selector: 'p3x-default-component', templateUrl: './default-component.component.html', styleUrls: ['./default-component.component.scss'], standalone: true, imports: [MatButtonModule, MatDividerModule],
}) export class DefaultComponentComponent {
defaultSnackbarSettings : MatSnackBarConfig = { horizontalPosition: "center", verticalPosition: "bottom" }
constructor( private http: HttpClient, private snack: MatSnackBar, ) { } async loadDefault() { try { const response : any = await this.http.get('').toPromise()`The output is based on the default interceptor behavior: ${response.random}`, 'OK', this.defaultSnackbarSettings)
} catch(e) {`Sorry, error happened, check the console for the error`, 'OK', this.defaultSnackbarSettings)
console.error(e) } } async loadCached() { try { const response : any = await this.http.get('', { headers: { [CachingHeaders.Cache]: '1', } }).toPromise()`Will be always the same output: ${response.random}`, 'OK', this.defaultSnackbarSettings)
} catch(e) {`Sorry, error happened, check the console for the error`, 'OK', this.defaultSnackbarSettings)
console.error(e) } } async loadNonCached() { try { const response : any = await this.http.get('', { headers: { [CachingHeaders.NoCache]: '1', } }).toPromise()`Truly random data: ${response.random}`, 'OK', this.defaultSnackbarSettings)
} catch(e) {`Sorry, error happened, check the console for the error`, 'OK', this.defaultSnackbarSettings)
console.error(e) } } }