import { Component, Injectable, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, OnInit, NgModule, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import {CompileService} from '../../../src'; @Component({ selector: 'p3x-compile-test', template: `


Container connected to Data1


Container2 connected to Data2


Hidden is working? If show, below should say "Click me via a service!"

If there was no "Click me via a service!" above, it works.

Data2 - This always visible

` }) @Injectable() export class Page implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('container', {read: ViewContainerRef}) container: ViewContainerRef; @ViewChild('container2', {read: ViewContainerRef}) container2: ViewContainerRef; data1: string; data2: string = 'init'; data3: string = 'Just simple string red'; counter1: number = 0; counter2: number = 0; interval: any; constructor(private compileHtmlService: CompileService) { } private async update1() { this.counter1++; this.data1 = `
Click me via a service!
{{ context.counter1}}
`; await this.compileHtmlService.compile({ template: this.data1, container: this.container, context: this, onCompiled: (cmp: any) => { console.log('container1 compiled, same template '); } }) } private async update2() { this.counter2++; this.data2 = `
Click me via an attribute!
{{ context.counter2}}
`; await this.compileHtmlService.compile({ template: this.data2, container: this.container2, context: this, onCompiled: (cmp: any) => { console.log('container2 compiled, same template'); } }) } ngOnInit() { this.update1(); this.update2(); /* let is = false; let newData = '123'; let defaultData = ''; let count = 0; this.interval = setInterval(() => { is = !is; if (is) { count++; defaultData = defaultData + newData; this.data3 = defaultData + defaultData; if (count > 10) { count = 0; defaultData = newData; } } else { this.data3 = '
' } }, 1000) */ } ngOnDestroy() { clearInterval(this.interval); } }